Chapter 4- The Reapings/ Section 2

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Clove's Pov

The last training sessions before reaping day is... hard to say the least. The couches push you to your limits and beyond. Your made to work from early hours to really late into the night. By the time I get home i'm to tired to do anything but walk to my room and fall straight into a deep sleep. This would happen all week and on the final day it's annouced to tge two people, who will be volunteering this Hunger Games.

"Today is the speacial day. Do. Us. Proud." Said my mother as I was walking out the door to the training session. I slammed the door and started to walk. I met up with Clato, a friend of mine from the training centre. "Who do you think will be the volunteers this year?" He said, "I have no idea. Its the top two of the girls and then top two of the boys that might go in. I'm second top, after Ruby and your first. So you'll probably be going, and i'd say Ruby to." I replied. I hoped it wouldn't be me. Something bad would have to happen to Ruby for me to have to go. So, withiut anymore talk we ran to the training building because we were running late. We took our spots in the crowd and watched the main trainer walk in adn stand on her pedestal looking iver everyone againest the main wall.

"Hello everyone. As you know today we tell you who we chose for the volunteers. The rest of you will go home because your nit needed here. Now to begin, the girls first. We have picked" she said look at her clipboard," Clove Kentwell. Its seems something has made Ruby incredibly sick, so you'll take her place." As the trainer finished her sentence people started to cheer. Scream Congratulations. I din't even know these people. They want to watch ne kill and maybe even get killed. Disgusting. But I put a smile onnmy face and acted tough and the "I can do this" face was put on. But inside I was terrified. "Next the boys, Cato (last name), tha-" before the rainer coukd finish her sentence everyone exploded eith congratulations. They started surrounding him and giving him loud and ear screaking screams. Luckily for the safety of my ears the trainer shushed then and kicked them out. It was just us and the trainer. "You guys better get to work. This is the last day you'll ever use this building." And with that the trainer was gone.

For the rest of the day I was mute. I was in pure shock. People probabky think I did something to her. To make her sick, but u really didn't. I should be happy though. I coukd finally make my parents proud. By the time I finally finished I haden't even noticed Cato had left. Without saying bye. I packed up my equipment grabbed my stuff and left. When I got home it was kate at night, so I picked my reaping dress fron the cupboard and went to tell Mother and Father that I got picked. "Oh, thats amazing. You better win. Because I don't want to throw a stupid funeral, for a stupid child." "Mum, why would you say that?! I'm done! I'm sick of you treating me like shit. I. Did. Nothing. Wrong. I'm. Done." I said, as I snapped. My parents stood agape. I had never stood up for myself. As soon as they realised I had talked back. They started to come closer to me. I took this moment to run to my bedroom and lock the door. I grabbed my chair and desk and shoved it against my door. I fell asleep to the banging and crashing sound kf my parents fighting and crashing around the house.


I woke up before the sun came up on Reaping day morning. I didn't have to get up for a couple of hours so I just sat there, taking occasional naps and looking out he window to the rising sun. When I heard my parents getting out of bed, I junoed uo and put on my dress. I grabbed some nice heels from my floor and walked out to the kitchen. My parents walked in soon after. We didn't speak until I had, had my breakfast and put on my heels to leave. I opened the door and turned around and said Bye. "Do good, for the family." They said. Cold-hearted assholes.  I walked out of the house and slammed the door. Do good. For the family. You don't say that to your daughter, whos most likely going to be dead in the span of a month... no a week at the max. My parents are selfish. "Hey." I looked up and saw I was close to the sign in line. Not many people were there yet but there was Cato. "Hey." I replied, I could tell my tone of voice was sad but angry. He coukd obviously tell too because he said "Hey, are you okay? You seem angry. Parents again?" "Yeah, but what do you care? We won't even be friends after the Reapings. Maybe apart of some "Tribute Group", but we're all gonna die, except you!" I started to yell and people were looking, so I shut my mouth. "Jesus, whats wrong with you? Okay fine bye then." He turned away from my and walked to the back of the line and I joined a couple of people behind. Today, I go to the Hunger Games."

"Welcome, to the 74th Annual Hunger Games! Now here is a quick message from the Capitol!" Said the Reaping kady. Nobidy cares about her name. Nobody cares enough. I blocked out the noise from the message that we hear, every year, and I think of myself, in the arena. I will become a killer, murderer. I also start to think of my possibilities of winning. If Cato dies before the finale three and I survive. I might be able to win. Maybe. "That was beutiful! Now, as always, girls first! Clove Kentwell!" I don't even need to volunteer. I've been reaped. People start to cheer and scream congratulations. I stand silently as I walk uo the stairs to the Goverment building. "Clove Kentwell, our 74th Annual Hunger Games female tribute! Congratulations Clove. And now for the men. Jamie Fox!" "I volunteer as tribute!" Everybody knew that is was Cato because he came strolling up to the stage like he was the main actor in a play. This wasn't just a show. It was real, and he would turn into a killer for the entire country to see, and he is owning his spot in these games. "What is your name?" "Cato Greenwald." "There you have it! District 2's 74th Annual Hinger Games official tributes!" A deafining roundnof applause was cast all throughout District 2, and there we were, on our way to death.

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