Chapter 4

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Serial Killer - Lana Del Rey


4 years ago

"Please stop" I sobbed to Jose. He finally stopped dragging me. "Get up bitch" he spat.

I slowly stood up because my legs still hurt from Polo's beatings. "Hurry the fuck up! I don't have all fucking day."

When I finally got myself up he pushed my into a pitch black room. Jose switches on the light, revealing the dirty room, it smelt horrible and there was dried blood platters all over the walls.

My eyes continued to scan the room, until it lands on someone tied to a chair with a brown sack over their head in the middle of the room.

Jose walked up the person and removes the sack As soon as he removed it, I wanted to throw up, that's how bad he looked.

Blood was leaking out of his mouth, nose and ears. Both eyes were severely swollen, I don't think he can even see out of them. His nose was twisted to the left. It was horrible to look at.

"Cut out his eye ball."

"What?" I frown at him, I can't even see his eyeball let alone cut it out.

Jose walked up to me and slapped me right across my face, I bite my bottom lip to conceal the painful scream I wanted to let out.

"I don't like repeating myself. If you don't do it I will make sure you're next." He points to the man, I nod at Jose, he smirks me.

He hands me a long, sharp knife and pushed me towards the prisoner

I take a deep breath.

I can do this. 

I stabbed him directly in his left swollen eye.

The man screamed in agony. I pulled the knife out and stabbed his other eye. Blood was seeping out of both eyes.

Jose walked next to me and whispered. "Good girl, now lets move onto the ears."

»»————- ♡ ————-««

It felt like I've been doing this for years, Jose handed me weapon after weapon and made me torture this guy in ways that I can't even talk about it.

"Okay, now I'm bored, kill him, and be a little...creative with it." His legs were handing off  the arm rest of the sofa, he was twirling a knife against his finger tip. How can he say something like that? With so much enthusiasm.

I walked up to the table where the weapons are placed, I picked up a sword. It was so heavy and shiny, I could tell it was very sharp, one strike could probably decapitate him.

I slowly walked towards the tortured man and measured the sword to up his neck. I lifted up the sword and..






"AHH!" I screamed in shock, it was a dream? It felt so real...

I run my eyes, I see Roman and Seth hovering over me with a worried and concerned look on their face.

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