Chapter 19

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Slow Down Love - (ft. Chelsea Cutler) Louis The Child


As soon as I got the call from Dr Naveen, I knew something was wrong.

Lately Raquel has been acting very strange. Like something is bothering her and she doesn't want to talk about it.

We all have tried to talk to her about it but she's shut everyone out.

Blake tells me she won't even talk to her friends. She sits alone during lunch. I already have calls from the school saying she has been getting into fights with other students. I've tried to talk to her, but she would say nothing.

I quickly get up on my way out of the house. As I'm walking, I'm stopped by Kayden and Blake.

"Hey Pops where you heading?" Blake asks.

"I'm going to the hospital to see your sister." I replied in a low voice.

"Shit! What happened." Kayden panics.

"I don't know, that's why I'm going. Listen I would love for you to come but-." I was saying until I was interrupted.

"You don't want us to come. We get it. We're used it." Blake stops me then turns around walking off.

"Listen, that's not what I meant." I say trying to rephrase what I said.

Blake already went up stairs.

"I will talk to him. Go and see Raquel. Keep us updated." Kayden says as he went to find Blake.

»»————- ♡ ————-««


Ok maybe I overreacted. But I'm over this families bullshit. Even though I try to be the peacemaker and try to see the bright side of ever situation but everyone has a breaking point.

I'm fed up with being always left in the dark in all family issues. Being the last to know anything and not being involved.

I try to act like I don't care but I do.

As I slam my door I walk over to my balcony as pull out a cigarette. I hear foot steps coming towards I turn around to see my twin stomping over to me looking pissed off.

"What the fuck is your problem bro?" He yells behind me I don't bother to look at him. I already know he's about to go on a rant.

"Dad don't want us to see if Raquel is ok. If it was Roman Vin or even Shane he would let them see her. It's like he forgets that we are his children too. I bet it's not because we're the youngest."

"What are you trying to say Blake."

"Maybe dad doesn't like to be seen like us because we don't look like him."

»»————- ♡ ————-««


When I finally reach the hospital, I run in to find Raquel. I ask the receptionist where she is and she tells me the room.

Before she could finish her sentence I speed off.

When I reach the room, I notice Shane in the seating area.

"Son what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm the one who took her to the hospital." He yawns. He looks really stressed and tired.

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