Part Four: Almost die...

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"Soobin!" shout Hyunjin as he quickly grab a chair and throw it towards the zombie that were behind Soobin, the zombie collapse and Soobin quickly grab something and stab it on its head, after doing that Hyunjin goes to help Lucas and Soobin did too, both of them helped Lucas with the zombie and they manage to kill it after sometime, "my god that was close" Lucas said out of breath after struggling with the zombie "yeah, thanks Hyunjin, if not because of you that zombie would have attacked me and I wouldn't have time to even react" Soobin said while looking at Hyunjin "we need to protect each other and keep everyone safe, that's what important right" Hyunjin replied to Soobin, in Soobin mind "this is the first time ever he said something like this, it's not like he never said something like this in his life but this was... way something else like I felt that he really mean what he said, the Hyunjin I know is always playful and not serious, and this Hyunjin is like the new Hyunjin, but I'm glad that he thinks of protecting everyone" "anyways we already got everything we needed here right?" Lucas ask while looking around "oh yes, let's go back" Soobin said

On their way back to the abandoned house they saw two person coming from the left
"Look they are coming this way" Hyunjin said pointing at the direction where that two person coming "wanna go to them?" Soobin ask "no, we don't even know if they are human or a zombie" Lucas said and Soobin nodded, but suddenly one of those two person that they assume to be a zombie shout "yah! Are you guys human or zombie? If you guys are human raise your hands!" The person said while slowly coming towards them "wait this voice sounds familiar... Yoongi!" Soobin suddenly shout the person who were coming earlier stopped and one of them suddenly came running towards them

Yoongi's p.o.v

I was walking with Yeonjun besides me when I saw there's three people in front of the way and I started to hold tight on the baseball bat on my hand and Yeonjun also hold tight on the golf stick in his hand then I started to shout lightly while walking slowly towards them "yah! Are you guys human or zombie? If you guys are human raise your hands!" I shout but then suddenly I heard one of them said my name and then I realize that it was Soobin's voice "that's Soobin! That's Soobin!!" Yeonjun said as he quickly run towards them

End of Yoongi's p.o.v

"Soobin!" Yeonjun came running and stopped right in front of these three "Yeonjun! You're alive!" Soobin said and hug him "yeah and me too" Yoongi said as he just came "you guys didn't get bit right?" Lucas ask "no we're good" Yoongi replied "alright then let's go back" Hyunjin said, and with that all five of them walk together to the abandoned house

[At the abandoned house]

"I swear to god Alice give that to me!" Jimin shout as his hands were signaling Alice to give him whatever she is holding "but you were about to throw it out right" Alice said gripping tight on the thing "just give it to me!" Jimin shout again "no...

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"I swear to god Alice give that to me!" Jimin shout as his hands were signaling Alice to give him whatever she is holding "but you were about to throw it out right" Alice said gripping tight on the thing "just give it to me!" Jimin shout again "no! this is still can be eat, it still looks good" Alice argue "my god, just give it to me!" Jimin said as he grab the plastic bag of the bread on Alice hands "nooooo! Get awayy" Alice still didn't want to let go of the plastic bag and were pushing Jimin's shoulder but he didn't budge "let go of your hands" Jimin said "no you let go" Alice said while still did not let go of the plastic "just give that to me!" Jimin finally snatch that plastic from Alice and throw it on the trashcan "no..." Alice said as she looks at the trashcan "that thing has expired" Jimin said "we should not waste food" Alice said "it's expired Alice, you wanna get stomach ache or what" Jimin said while frowning looking at Alice "but it looks fine, the date says it's expired yesterday, it should be good to eat for today" Alice said again sitting on the floor "it's fucking expired what is your problem" Jimin said again, Alice just pout, Jimin shook his head

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