Part Two: The beginning of it...

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You are at home already, you were sitting on a couch scrolling on social media in your phone when you heard the news said this (normal human being opening tv not even watching it instead just scrolling on the phone)
The news: everyone start panicking after watching a video on Twitter that went viral, the video content seems to be about a girl who was walking weirdly on the streets that everyone assume to be a zombie, the person who records this says that he was inside his room when he looked outside he captured this girl was walking weirdly and somehow looking like a zombie

The news: everyone in the comment section starts agreeing since the incident that happened yesterday that involves 1,801 people that died, many says that this is still because the disease that the half dead deer bought and has infected that girl
"What? Zombies? Whatever I should go to sleep now" you said as you realize that your sister is already asleep and you should go to sleep too since you have school tomorrow and you walk to your room, you were in your room laying down very comfortably when you heard weird noises from outside your window, you decided to ignore it

But then you heard glass breaking from the living room, you were so shocked you sit up on your bed "what was that?" You said, you slowly get up from your bed and went to your door slowly turn the door knob and open the door, you slowly went outside, you were walking till you almost stepped on something pointy, you look at it and it's the broken glass that you heard earlier, you search for from where it comes and you saw one of your window is broke, you think something or someone must've broke it, you went to your kitchen and grab a pan for self defense as you thought maybe some robbers just break into your house, you then heard that weird noises again you went to it

When you finally found where that weird noises is you go towards it and you see... a person to be exact a girl by how her feature looks and also that she had long hair so you could totally recognize that it is a girl, you slowly approach her, slowly slowly you finally near her as you was about to put your hand on her shoulder (put your head on my shoulder ohk I'll stop bye🐇) she turn around you were so shocked to see what was in front of you, that girl was having blood all over her mouth her face looks so bizarre like she have some very bad diseases, her eyes are white and she was making a weird noise too more like a growl, she walk your way as you walk backwards

But then you remember that you had your frying pan in your hand and you smacked that girl in the head and she falls, you run from there and went to your front door, you open the door and went outside, what you see next was more shocking, your eyes went big and your mouth is also wide open on what you see what happened outside, everything was a mess the trash can and the trash that were once inside of it were everywhere, there's some houses that look like it had been left for thousands of years, door were nowhere to be found, windows were broken, some doesn't even has a wall anymore

You suddenly noticed something crawling it was crawling and then arrived at a gate and climbed up the gate, it looks like that thing or person noticed you then started to go towards your way pretty fast, you were kinda scared so you started to run, you were running and running till you were on this turn you suddenly feel like someone grabbed you and pull you towards them, that person were hiding behind a wall and was holding you, you cannot scream or talk since that person hands were closing your mouth, as you both just watched that thing that was chasing you earlier gone away, by the hand you could tell that it was a girl so you tapped that person hands and she let go, you turn and look at the girl and said "Alice?" "Eheh hi" she said while putting that awkward smile she always had "what are you doing here?" You ask "well I was at my house in my room playing games but suddenly I heard crashes downstairs so I checked on it and I see lots of zombies are already in my living room, like I'm all alone my parents are abroad and my siblings are out and god knows where they are, I said no I'm not gonna stay so I get out of there" Alice said "how did you pass all of them?" You ask "well... I just uhm use something to uh hit them.. and ya know uh... kick them.. yeah" Alice said "oh okay..." you said "and that's why I'm here, I think it would be better if I go look for my friends and I saw you" she said again "oh..." you just sigh "well let's go from here that zombies might come again" Alice said and you nodded

Both of you guys started to walk away from there and search for the others "do you think they know about this?" Alice suddenly ask "about what?" You ask confused "about this thing ofc what else" Alice said "I'm sure they know, I mean who wouldn't? look at all of this" you said while pointing at all the mess "right, but the important question now is who are we going to search for first, we have like 13 people in our friend group" Alice said "right... let's search for Hyunjin first since his house is not far from here" you said as Alice nodded

As you guys arrived there Alice spoke "Felix house is not far from here right? As what I remember it is" "yes, it is just two doors from here" you said "I knew it" she said smiling proudly "let's get inside" you said, and you both went inside of Hyunjin house "Hyunjin" you shout a bit calling out his name, suddenly a zombie came your way and started to attack you "aaaaaarggghh!" You shout as you were struggling with the zombie try to bite you, Alice quickly find something to hit the zombie but she was also attacked by other zombie probably the zombie heard your voice earlier and started to come one by one

Alice fall on the ground with the zombie on top of her trying to harm her but she held its neck "Alice!" You shout as you were still struggling, you kick the zombie on its stomach and quickly grab anything on the floor and smacked it on the zombies head and it fall on the ground, its still moving so you stab the thing on its head and it stopped moving, you went to help Alice, you grab something that looked like a stick but it has a pointy end and the size is a little big maybe it's from some rack or something you think, you kicked the zombie and it fall on the ground and was about to attack you but you stabbed it on the head and it die

You sigh in relief "that was the first time I ever do that" you said "second the first one was that one" Alice said pointing on the zombie that attacked you "Oh yeah" you smiled, Alice also smile but then her eyes went wide "get down!" She shout and you do as she said while still shock, Alice took out a knife from inside her pocket and threw it right to the zombies head and the zombie collapse on the ground, you get up and look at the zombie then at Alice with a shock face "that knife is for uh... I bought it for uhm.. safety if ever someone tried to rob me or what we never know right?" She said making an innocent face "sure" you said

"But like where the hell is Hyunjin" Alice said "well I guess he is not here anymore" you said "why don't we just go and find somewhere else" Alice said "ok, let's go to Felix house, maybe he went there" you said as Alice nodded and you both went to Felix house, as you arrived there you went inside, you both were about to walk upstairs but you saw there's a lot of zombies up there so you quickly hid behind a wall and Alice did the same on the other wall "how are we going to went there" Alice whisper but loud enough for you to hear it "I don't know" you said whispering back

Suddenly someone grabbed you and pull you towards them you were about to shout but when you see who it is you stopped immediately "Hyunjin"

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