Short Story

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Everlee London dies and is standing at the gates of heaven, an angel looking at her with mischievous eyes. "What brings you to paradise?" he asks sarcastically. She looks at him and realizes his eyes seem haunted almost. The Gates are a shimmery gold, with angel wings as the handles. Everlee starts to question if she's actually standing at the gates of heaven, she feels light, as if she were gliding along the air.

"Isn't it a little obvious?" Everlee answers. Gesturing towards the golden masterpiece, "Are you gonna let me in?" he grins, and says "What if I don't want to Miss. Londyn?" Everlee replies "Well, I guess I will just let myself in then." she tries to push her way through the gates, realizes she cant and says "Ok, what do I have to do for you to let me in?" he looks confused and says "You should have been able to open the gate..." Everlee starts to panic and says "What do you mean, am I locked out?" she then thinks of the song locked out of heaven by Bruno Mars and starts to giggle because of course that is what she would think during this situation. He looks at her like she has grown five heads and she says "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" he says "Why are you LAUGHING in this situation? Shouldn't you be panicking or something like that?" she replies "Well, yes, I should be panicking, but you're gonna help me find a way in." and he says "Who said I was gonna help you? Being locked out seems more like an Everlee problem than a Damian problem."

Everlee scoffs and rolls her eyes. She continues to push the gate, amusing damian all the more, until she yells "I GIVE UP! WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO MAKE THIS STUPID GATE OPEN?!" he chuckles lightly at her displeased stance, and says gingerly "I honestly don't know, how did you die anyways?" she shifts from her previous stance and says "Takotsubo cardiomyopathy." He looks over at her with a blank expression on his face and says "Taco who?" She laughs and says "Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, it is the medical term for broken heart syndrome." He looks at his shoes and says in a quiet voice "So you literally died from a broken heart." "Yeah." I mumble.

And he says "Alright, I think I know what we have to do Miss. Londyn" "And what would that be? And how do you know my last name?" He tsk-tsks at her and says "You ask a lot of questions for someone with a lot of answers" referring to her grades in school. She sighs and asks the question again "What is it I have to do to get through the gates?" Damian answers in a stone cold voice "You have to accept that you are dead, Everlee, and you're not coming back." She looks at him in disbelief and says "I AM NOT GRIEVING!" He says "Ahhh looks like we are already on the second stage" as he grabs a small notebook from his pocket and a pen and writes something down. She asks "What are you writing?" He says "1.Denial, 2. Anger, 3. Bargaining, 4. Depression, 5. Acceptance, and I just crossed off denial." As he reads this his eyes turn colder, and he says "Well, are you ready? It's time for some fun." 

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