Chapter 10

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"SHE DID WHAT!" James bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the near-empty Gryffindor common room.

The few students who had yet to shuffle off to bed turned quickly to look and see what was happening with curious expressions.

Remus groaned and facepalmed.

Peter sunk deeper into the couch he was sitting on and watched his friend wearily.

Sirius shook his head and put his hand on James' shoulder in a brotherly fashion.

"How could she do that! How could my sweet Lily-Flower ask Snivellus to the Halloween Ball instead of me?" James whined, looking about for the answer to appear out of thin air.

"Evans is a bloody fool, Prongs. You are so much better than Snivellus!" Sirius said, trying to cheer the boy up.

"'Course I am! But why couldn't she see that?" The young Potter asked.

"Prongs, you still have over a month to change her mind," Peter said in a hushed tone before releasing a large yawn.

Remus nodded in agreement with the smaller boy.

"He's right. The ball isn't for quite a while, and I'm sure that if you play your cards correctly, you can convince Evans to go with you and not Snivellus," He said matter-of-factly.

James' Hazel eyes widened in excitement.

"Yes! Of course, why didn't I think of that!" He shouted, jumping up from his side of the couch.

"Merlins sake! Prongs, keep it down!" Remus growled.

James ignored him and turned to Sirius.

"How do I go about making Evans change her mind?"

"Hmm. You could buy her something, or maybe pull a prank on Snivellus in front of her that makes him look like a total idiot! That would change her mind!" Sirius said with a mischievous grin set in place.

"What? No, do not do that! James!" Remus argued, about ready to pull his hair out.

"That is a truly brilliant idea, Padfoot!" James exclaimed with a maniacal gleam in his eyes that made Peter burrow even further into the cushions and set Remus' heightened senses into a rush of panic.

"Wait! Listen to me you two. You've both already gotten detentions, and it's only three weeks into the semester! You can not around pranking people!"

"Relax, Moony, no one will know!" James said, then turned and shouted towards the few remaining Gryffindors besides themselves, "No one heard a thing, right?" It wasn't really a question, but they all nodded back at him.

"I will know!" Remus said, frustrated.

"So what? You have to help us plan it anyway," Sirius said with a shrug.

"I am a Perfect! I can't prank Snivellus! What would McGonagall or Dumbledore think?"

"They wouldn't find out it was us!" James smirked, already thinking of several ways to make Snivellus miserable.

"Of course they would! It's always us!" Remus hissed.

"Relax! Now, help us plan! By the time we're through, Snivellus won't know what hit him!" James said, twirling his wand around his fingers.

"Merlin's beard!" Remus muttered, shaking his head.

Peter had fallen asleep on the couch.


The next morning, Ravenclaw students were with the Slytherins in Ancient Runes class when the first trouble began that day.

Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black threw hushed insults at Adelaide and Alexander as they walked with Della past their desks, which was an everyday occurrence after six years.

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