Chapter 21

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November 1977

Quidditch season had finally come to Hogwarts, and every house was ready to rally behind their team.

The first match of the season was the infamous battle between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Both teams were busy preparing to take the pitch, but none more than James Potter.

This was the first Quidditch match of his career in which he would be performing with the title of Gryffindor team Captain under his belt.

James sat on a bench in the changing room, twiddling his thumbs, his nerves all over the place.

Sirius looked up from where he was polishing his Cleansweep Five and performed an eye-roll worthy of Della Marcello herself.

"Stop worrying, mate! You're gonna do fine!" He said.

James barely acknowledged him, his mind racing through different scenarios for how the match would play out.

Sirius saw that his friend wasn't going to stop fretting, so he gently placed down his broom and walked over to the dark-haired boy.

"Prongs! For Merlin's sake! Everything will be fine! Besides, this isn't your first time playing Quidditch!"

James sighed and glanced up at him. "I know that. It's just that this is a load of responsibility, and I don't want to let the team down as their Captain."

It wasn't very often that he shared his insecurities with Sirius or anyone else for that matter, but it did feel nice to let it out.

"Relax, Prongs, everyone knows that you were the perfect person to step into the lead when Johnson graduated! Now, when we get out there, we are going to demolish Slytherin! Say it with me!" Sirius stood and pumped his fists in the air as he cheered.

"We are going to demolish Slytherin!" James joined in, standing with him.

"Morbius Flint and the rest of those gits won't know what hit them!"


"They'll all have to slither back down to the dungeons when we're done with 'em!"


"They won't be able to show their faces at dinner!"


"They'll -"

"SIRIUS!" James bellowed.

"What? A bit too much?"

"The match is about to start!"

"What the bloody hell are we still doing in here then?" Sirius yelled, running out of the changing room and onto the pitch, James close on his heels.

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Adelaide, Della, and Alexander weaved their way through the crowded bleachers towards the red sea of Gryffindor fans.

"There's Peter! Come on!" Della said excitedly as she bounced down to where her boyfriend was sitting with Remus.

Alexander rolled his eyes with an amused smirk on his face and followed after her.

Adelaide brought up the rear with a smile.

Peter beamed at the tiny blonde as she plopped herself down next to him.

"Hello, love!" She chirped, kissing his cheek, causing him to blush heavily.

"Hi doll, glad you could make it!" The mousy-haired boy said back.

Alexander fake gagged as he passed by the couple. "You two are sickly sweet! I can't take it!" He whined dramatically.

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