RosiTara - Rositas POV

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"You gotta damn mouth on you, what else you got?" Abraham had said to the past out man and the pretty girl "help me lift him" I said walking over the the passed out man "what?" Eugene said as I looked back at him "that goes for all of us and not just me and Abraham now come on" I said leaning down "who are you?" The pretty girl said looking down at me while I looked up "Rosita, Rosita Espinosa now is the guy dead or knocked because I've gotten way to close to dead people and" Eugene tripped over the passed out man tripping the pretty girl with him "Eugene really?" "Ouchhh" the girl said as I put my hand out in front her face "here grab on" I said as she grabbed onto my hand and I pulled her up "Tara, Tara Chambler and thank you" Tara said putting her hands under the past out mans body "can ya help me?". "You think we can trust these people?" I said in are truck with Eugene and Abraham "well I don't think we have anything they need and we will drop them off somewhere and then where even closer the DC" Abraham said as he picked up my hand and held it "we will arrive one day we have many" "we get it Eugene". "HEY! HEY! HEY! OPEN UP!" I looked back at the drunk to see Tara and the past out man had woken up "go fast" Eugene said as they banged harder "why?" They'll fly off and we will get away "stop the truck" I said looking at Abraham "no" "Abraham we where desperate to once" I said starting to raise my voice "HEY!" "Stop the truck" "just full stop" "OPEN UP" "no need to get all fussy Rosita" *BANG BANG BANG* "ABRAHAM" I yelled as Abraham stopped the truck "thank you" I said as Abraham jumped out the truck door and killing a walker "can we trust him?" I said looking back at Eugene "they must have a settlement close by with the gray armour the man is wearing and the woman does not look as clean and" I cut off Eugene "that's not what I asked" I said looking back at Abraham "I'm sincerely sorry" "Eugene your doing to much". Time had passed for many days and I found out the mans name was Glenn that lived at a prison with a group of people but a bad man rushed everyone else but his wife Maggie and him had gotten separated and that's who he's looking for. "My recommendation would be take the day, make the detour and play it safe, but I know your not gonna do that" Abraham said looking at the tunnel that they get here grounds from "so this is where we gotta part ways I'm sorry but your on your own" Abraham said looking straight at Glenn "no your not" Tara said standing beside Glenn as he smirked looking back at her, Abraham showed Glenn some of the food he had "No, no, no those are yours, you guys will need them for your trip" Glenn said shaking his "you will too" Abraham said not taking no for an answer "so is this goodbye?" I said walking up the Tara and Glenn "I guess it is" Glenn said smiling "your both uh good people" Eugene said as I nodded my head and Tara looked down at her shoes "but I have to say that your are seriously hit, Tara" Everyone laughed under there breath but Tara looked at Rosita then back at Eugene "yeah, I like girls" Tara said smiling "I'm well aware of that" Eugene said but you could tell he was in denial "say you get into trouble in there, you turn around we're doubling back to the first road we crossed maybe you'll find us before we find the right ride" Abraham said ready to walk away "hey, thanks I appreciate it" Glenn said as Abraham walked away "bye" I said as I hugged Tara goodbye. As me, Abraham, and Eugene walked the train tracks we found a car "we can take this ride" Abraham said "I'll drive" I said putting my hands on my hips "I'll drive you and Eugene will stay in the back "I think I'm pretty capable of driving a 4 wheeled" "Eugene you couldn't drive before all this and your not gonna drive now, Okay" I said cutting Eugene off "who said I could drive" "we could tell". Abraham let me drive and fell asleep in the back of the car "turn left up here" Eugene said "this is the third left turn you've made me make in the last five minutes your lost" I said getting annoyed "I'm not" he said picking up a map "turn left" "if your lost please just tell me, the gas in the tank is worth more than you're ego" I said now hoping he is lost "if you want to fuel efficiency we could talk" Eugene said as I cut him off "we are not rolling up the windows it smells like a dang carcass on here" "stop the van" Eugene said as I made a full stop "if Glenn and Tara" "Glenn and Tara aren't are priority our only priority is getting you to Washington and we don't have much time till everyone dies now let's go" I said while Eugene starts to yell "Guys! Look" when he got out the car Eugene wait" "I'm just looking for my husband, Glenn, Glenn Rhee and I'm Maggie would you happen to seen him anywhere?" Eugene looked at me in shock "get in". I watched as Maggie ran up to Glenn both in disbelief as they hugged I smiled and for some reason was looking at Tara "what the hell" I whispered under my breath "what?" Abraham said looking down at me because of the height difference "I don't know, I keep re focusing my eyes and notice I'm looking at Tara" I said confused "what are you a lesbian? hahahaha" Abraham said laughing "ugh". "here it is" Tara said looking at the building "terminus, wow somewhere we can live" Tara said as Me, Tara, Bob, Abraham, Sasha, Glenn, Eugene, and Maggie walked up the the lady we saw in the distance "Hi I'm Mary how about you sit down and I'll give you a plate" Mary said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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