ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sᴇᴠᴇɴ

982 27 2

Y/n woke up at the sound of the alarm..  6am..
She looked at  aidans direction..
he's still sleeping..

She got up and walked to her closet picking up a outfit for the day..
She went in the bathroom brushing her teeth and took a quick shower..

After the shower she walked out on aidan changing..

"uhhhh sorry" y/n said looking at the wall

" no its alright " aidan

" are you done?" y/n asked

" yep"
"btw i was thinking we could go explore the place a little bit.. and get some breakfast and ice cream"

" omg yesss ice cream" she said jumping

" i knew you were going to say that" he said laughing

" haha" y/n said sideeyeing him

They headed out and locked their room door..
They got in the elevator and aidan clicked on the button ' G'

" ladies first"

" aww thank you "

They went through the lobby saying good morning and they walked out..
They saw "sunset grill "..
Y/n took a iced mocha and aidan took black coffee..

They walked while drinking their coffees..
They finally found a ice-cream shop..
aidan took vanilla and y/n took cookies and cream..

They walked to a nearby park..
walking will eating their ice-creams..

Aidan froze..

" aidan?"

He didn't say a word..
Y/n touched his hand

" what's wrong?" she asked worried

He was staring at a red headed girl..
Y/n couldn't see her face but when she looked at the other side she remembered..
she was the girl with aidan when he was younger..

" do you know her?" y/n asked

" she's my ex girlfriend" aidan said looking down..

" oh i see... Are you okay?" she asked

" yes y/n im fine" he said angrily

Y/n jumped a bit..

" im sorry" he apologized

" let's just go home" y/n said walking fast throwing her ice-cream in a trash can..

She walked while looking down..
She was shock from his reaction..
he was looking at the girl while they walked..
Not looking at y/n..

She got more annoyed and started walking faster making him left behind ..

" y/n wait" aidan said tryina catch up

" you know what go to the hotel im gonna take a walk" y/n

" im coming- "

" alone.. i want to walk alone" she said cutting him off..

" oh.. Okay" he said walking away

Y/m Iooked at him walking away " seriously" she said

She walked and walked..
She went in to a coffeehouse and ordered another coffee..
It was 8pm now she sat waiting for her coffee to get ready..
She got on Google since aidan is famous she thought..
She searched who's aidan gallaghers ex girlfriend..
She saw that same girl they saw earlier in the park..
so it was true.. it is his ex but whats her name..
She started doing some researching like a crazy fan..

" Hannah McCloud"

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