ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ

759 22 2

Y/ns pov :

Y/n and aidan started dating after what happened..
They started walking to the shop while holding hands..
'His hand was so soft' she thought..
he took her  hand kissing it..
She blushed and smiled at him..
They got some ice cream and went to the park.
Not even bothering the fact that their friends are in their room waiting for them..

They went to the park and talked
"you know its weird that five and vanya love eachother" aidan

" why?" y/n asked

" idk why didn't they let me love you instead" he said

" yeah i know but sometimes i feel like our characters love eachother" y/n

" yeah "

They then continued to walk..
They finally went back to the hotel..
She opened the door and aidan got in too making her locked the door behind them..

She went into the living room to see everyone watching a scary movie and didn't notice them..

She went behind them and screamed..
Eden jumped on Cameron screaming. and the others were still screaming..

" God y/n why did you do that" eden with her hand on her heart

" my soul left my body" Dante said hugging y/ns teddy bear

" heyy where did you get that from" she said taking it away from him

" from your room duh"

" Bitch" 

" anyways where were you guys?" Cameron

" ohhhh Dante come to my room right know" y/n

" alright"

They both ran to her and aidan room and i told him everything that happened..

" so you kissed?" he asked

" YESSSS" she said jumping on the bed

They then went back to the others and they all sideeyed the both of them..

" what was all that about?" blake asked

" what do you mean? " y/n asked


Y/n whispered something in aidans ear and he nodded..

" okay so me and aidan are dating" y/n

"  really?? " tj and eden excitingly

" YES " y/n

They all said congrats and hugged them.. They then watched the movie with them and y/n cuddled with Aidan and they fell asleep..

Y/n woke up at 5am and woke the girls up because they have to go to set today and they have to get ready first..

They went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth and put on some natural makeup..

then they went to boys and woke
Them up..
They changed and got ready..
and they all headed out to set..

Saying hi to everyone..

Aidan hugged y/n from the back and Robert saw..

" oooo"

" oh stop" aidan said laughing

" are y'all official?" Robert asked

" yess" y/n

Robert started dancing and hugging them really tightly..

" wow what's going on you scared me" emmy came through the door

" their officellllllll" he said still hugging them

" omg congrats" emmy said hugging them too

" thank you emmy and thank you Robert" y/n said laughing at roberts reaction

Time skipped till the end of set

Y/n and aidan went to their hotel room.. he opened the door and said
" ladies first"

" thank you sir "

They got in " so ai-" she got cut off by aidan lifting her up

He throwed her on his bed tickling her.. Suddenly he stopped and started staring at her eyes..
he started kissing her she then pulled away and looked at his face..

" your so beautiful gallagher" she said

" not as beautiful as you y/l/n"

She then flipped him now she's on top..

" it's time for some night routineeee" y/n

" NO"

"yesss your my boyfriend deal with it"

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