ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx

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Y/ns pov

They arrived at the location ..
They got out of the limo and wow there were so many paparazzi's..
Y/n was shocked
She was walking on the red carpet all of a sudden someone grabbed her hand started pulling her towards him ..
'man he was strong' she thought
She looked at who was pulling her and it was one of the paparazzi's..
He took his hand off when one of the bodyguards approached..
aidan saw what happened to y/n..
He held her hand and started walking again..

They got in and it was "AMAZING"as y/n said
She was a bit nervous but not anymore seeing everyone talking and getting to know each other..

" omg hi your y/n right?" asked a beautiful curly haired woman

Y/n nodded with a soft smile

" im emmy raver-lampman nice to meet you " says emmy pulling her hand out to shake her hand

" it's nice meeting you too"

Emmy introduced everyone to aidan and y/n..

" sooo you guys are a thing?" Robert asked

" oh no we're just friends" aidan

" yeah friends"

Time skipped

Y/n had so much fun..
And they switched numbers with everyone..
But unfortunately they had to leave and they did so..

" that was amazing" y/n

" i know right " aidan

" yeah but im tired "

" same but wait" aidan said holding his hand up

" what?"

" first to get in the room wins"

" wait no im wearing heels"

" take them off we only live once "

" ur right" y/n said taking her heels off

" wow that feels great "y/n

" now 1....2.... 3 " aidan

They started running and aidan got there first..

" i won" aidan

" oh yeah?"

" mhm"

" yeah okay" y/n said poking him

" oh no" he started running

" come here" y/n said chasing him

" no way"

" okay wait im tired i can't run no more" y/n

" same" aidan said jumping on his bed

" god that's what i needed"

" i know right im not leaving my bed ever again" aidan

" yes you will go change" y/n said laughing

" fine but you go first" aidan

" fine " y/n said pushing his head

" owwww"

" stop being dramatic" y/n said

She went into the bathroom..
took her makeup off and changed into her pajamas..
did her night routine and brushed her teeth..
She got out off the bathroom to see aidan already changed and sleeping..
She covered him with his blanket turning the lights off and laying down on her bed...

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