ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ

637 21 10

Y/n's pov :

It's been two months since y/n and aidan started dating..
Their relationship was very peaceful and fun to have her long childhood crush in her life..

They walked to set to film season three when they told them about the new cast member who's gonna play Dolores..

Y/m was excited to have a new member added to the group..
She was holding Aidans hand when they were about to meet her..

As aidan  opened the door for y/n

" my lady"

" thank you " y/n said smiling

They started walking to set when they saw her..

She was beautiful long blonde hair blue dark eyes and the most beautiful skin..

Y/n looked at aidan to see him just staring at the girl..

" babe you okay?" y/n asked shaking his hand

" yeah I'm fine "

Y/n guessed the girl heard them talking because she got off her phone and looked at them..

" oh hi " she said walking towards them

Y/n pulled her hand out but instead she shoke aidans hand..
She didn't really say anything but waited for them to finish their moment..

" hey" she said to aidan

" hi" aidan

" wow" y/n said under her breathe

They both looked at y/n..

" oh sorry didn't see you there" she said putting her hand out for a hand shake

Y/n shoke her hand with a smile..

" what's your name? " she asked aidan

" aidan what about you ?" he answered looking into her eyes

" emma, nice to meet you aidan " emma said also looking into his dark green eyes

Y/n just stood there not knowing what else to do or say so instead she just walked away..
She looked back at aidan and he was still talking to her..
She got more and more angry as she pushed the door really hard and ran to her trailer..

She locked the door behind her and tears started falling on her face..

' be strong y/n be strong'

' don't make him think your weak'

' does he not love me anymore?'

Questions were all over her mind..
She was really scared that she's gonna take her boyfriend away from her..

She stayed in her trailer waiting for him to show up..
All of a sudden someone knocked on the door..

I ran to the door unlocking it but it was just david..

" hey y/n" david

" hey david" she said quietly leaving the door open walking away sitting on her couch

" why aren't you with aidan?" he asked

" he's with this blonde girl" she said looking at the floor

" that's why I'm here, i know your sad" david said closing the door behind him walking to the helpless teen giving her a hug

" well he's not wrong i mean look at her  she's better than me" 

" say that again and I'll kill you" he said

" you sound like Diego" y/n said laughing

" i know" he said laughing too

Then someone walked in.. Aidan..

" he- oh hi David" he said

" hey "

" was just about to head out" David said standing up and walking out

" where did you go?" aidan asked

" just realized that i was gone?" y/n said staring at him

" i mean yeah" 

" of course" y/n

She was about to say something..

" hey aidi are you coming?" emma 

" wow aidi? Is your little girl waiting for you? Go don't let her wait" y/n said in a serious tone standing up

" y/n wait"  aidan

"  leave" y/n

" please wai-"


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