"Sir Guy's Dilemma", Ch. 13--George & Saline Reunite, to Archer's Lament

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"Sir Guy's Dilemma",  Ch. 13--The Middleton-Talkington Betrothal Couple Reunites, to Lord Archer's Lament, 1/13/13 Gratiana Lovelace

(An Original Fan Fiction adaptation of the characters from the BBC's Robin Hood;  & a Sequel to "Guy's Rose" by Gratiana Lovelace)

(All Rights Reserved; No copyright infringement intended)

[From time to time, I will illustrate my story with my dream cast of:  Richard Armitage as Sir Guy, Clive Standen as Lord Archer, Emma Watson as Lady Rose, etc.]

[Story Logo 1ab]

Author's Mature Content Note:  "Sir Guy's Dilemma" is a story of romance and intrigue set amidst Medieval times.  As such there will be some passages in this story involving heartfelt love scenes (R rated) and some passages involving highly dramatic moments.  I will label the maturity rating of those chapters accordingly.  Otherwise, the general rating for this story is PG or PG-13 due to some mature situations and topics.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read the chapters with those labels.  This is my disclaimer.

Author's Recap from the previous installment:  Sir Guy had a frank talk with Lord George about his plan to relinquish the Middleton Estates management to Lord George--a decision made more clear by the extent of the injury to Lord George's arm precluding his  return to soldiering and to King Richard in the Hold Land--with Sir Guy squelching Lord Archer's concern for Sir Guy being unappreciated by his brother-in-law Lord George.  But while the healer woman Althea continues to make Lord George drink all exotic and awful forms of medicine, Lord George absents himself from his bed chamber and seeks out his baby niece Lady Helen and happens upon the lovely and blushing Lady Mary Havorford--whereupon a comfortable conversation ensues with the shy young girl somehow losing her shyness in his presence. 

"Sir Guy's Dilemma",  Ch. 13--The Middleton-Talkington Betrothal Couple Reunites, to Lord Archer's Lament

Though Middleton Manor is a larger home with twelve family and guest bed chambers, they are filled to bursting with family and guests and their servants.  One almost needs a score card to keep track of all of the aristocrats on hand this Friday beginning the weeks end.  There is Sir Guy and his Lady Rose, their son Seth, and their daughter the now five month old baby Lady Helen--that is four bed chambers.  Then there is Lord Archer, Lord Havorford now joined by his wife Lady Havorford, and their daughter Lady Mary Havorford who is betrothed to Lord Archer--three bed chambers.  Lord George is ensconced in a large guest bed chamber, then  there are Lord and Lady Talkington in one bed chamber and the Lady Saline Talkington who is betrothed to Lord George in another bed chamber--making three more bed chambers in use.

That leaves two bed chambers unoccupied--for the moment.  And the servants are having to double up in their quarters because each lady has a ladies maid, each lord has a valet, and then there is the healer woman Althea and her two children--plus the usual 30 odd house and grounds staff.  It is a very full house, indeed.

Having received the message from Lady Roseanna and Sir Guy that Lord George has returned from the Holy Land--albeit wounded--the Talkington family is in attendance for a weekend visit.  They have the express purpose of reacquainting their daughter Lady Saline with Lord George since they hope to advance the marriage contract.  Of course, theirs is not the only marriage contract in place since Lord Archer is betrothed to the lovely and sweet Lady Mary Havorford.

The large dining hall at Middleton Manor can easily host a large banquet of 100--as it does during harvest days and Christmas celebrations--or smaller gatherings with elegant intimacy.  The long rectangular burnished dark wood dining table is set with [a] fine white linen cloth table top covering upon which Lady Roseanna has embroidered the letter "G" for Gisborne [(2) right] in a correspondingly white silken thread at the four corners of the table cloth at the table corners--the monogrammed design is interwoven with delicate leaves, and petite point flowers. 

"Sir Guy's Dilemma" (Book 2), by Gratiana Lovelace, 2012-2013Where stories live. Discover now