Chpt. 32 Useless

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~3rd POV (with Sans)~

The walk all the way to Alphys' lab was painful. Sans couldn't make himself look up and see the image of Red passed out over Undyne's shoulder. His younger brother was holding him tightly, in a comforting hug. Papyrus' hug was almost comforting as he carried the weeping angel in a princess carry, in order to make the trip a bit more comfortable. Blue tears were stained on Sans' face as the door to the lab was opened. Undyne took the lead towards the chamber's elevator.

Sans tried to reach a hand to his boyfriend, "Undyne, please. Don't do it. Just leave him alone, please." Tears almost started up again as he tried his best to plead to this 'demon' only to be ignored. The door shut behind Papyrus, as he kept following Alphys to an awaiting table. Undyne was soon closed off from the group when the elevator door closed behind her, bringing Red down to the chamber.

"P-put him on-n t-the tab-ble now P-Papyrus." Sans couldn't hear her as tears started up again. Red was going to be tortured again, and it was all my fault. Papyrus hesitantly placed his older brother down onto the metal, exam table. The cold metal hit Sans in the back, making him flinch at the harsh feeling. His layers of clothing was doing nothing to help the freezing table.

Papyrus was ushered away from his brother and soon entered the elevator. Sans didn't even bother with trying to yell out towards the young skeleton, nothing would happen even if he did.

The dinging of the elevator echoed through the lab as Papyrus descended. Leaving behind his sad, older brother. Thoughts were running through Sans' head, all of which were about Red. How it was his fault he was back. How this all started just by him flying. Everything was his fault, and Red was getting punished for it.

Alphys came back to the table and started stripping Sans of his clothes. Taking off his favorite hoodie, slippers, socks, shorts, and shirt. Leaving him bare bones. The skeleton didn't feel embarrassed by this whole ordeal. Choosing to ignore everything and fall back into his thoughts. They were going to get rid of his memories anyways, so why not enjoy it till they're gone. Memories of Red and Sans being together and loving each other, were filling up Sans' mind. He never cared about the single tear falling down his face.

Leather straps were wrapped around Sans' ankles and wrists, keeping tied down to the table. One more was wrapped around his shoulders, then under the table. Making him unable to squirm. His arms here by his side as Alphys walked around him, and testing to see if the straps were tight enough.

"T-This i-is for you-r own g-good Sans. Y-You should've j-just taken the p-pills, none of-f this w-would have h-happen-ed." It was all his fault. It was always his fault.

"Sweetheart, I love ya"

"Love ya too Red"

Always was his fault.

"I can't trust you. You let me get beat up. You didn't try anything for the entire time I was here. Almost an entire month I was here. You did nothing, but after a few weeks past you mysteriously appear here. You don't even have any proof that you didn't just bring Siéra somewhere worse than this."

How was it not his fault.

He hurt someone he loved, and now Papyrus was going to have the same fate.

Tears were streaming down Sans' face. Memories of Red being angry, broken, and loving towards the weeping angel kept messing with him. Shoving it in his face how it was all his fault.

His own mind was toying with him, making it impossible for him to notice the wires that were now connected to each and every limb on his body. Arms, legs, spine, even the ribs had separate wires for each bone.

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