Chapter 3: Into the Night

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The sun was setting on the horizon as I looked out of my giant windows. I liked my room but it wasn't great always being cooped up in there. It was a big room with a modern look and it was filled with so many fun things. Yet, it always feels empty. I have a piano, shelves of books, a flat screen TV, a wonderful computer system, a sewing station, a minifridge, anything a girl my age could dream of. However, I wish I could share these with my wonderful friends. It's a damn shame to leave all of these objects to one girl.

"Marinette, why are you acting so broody today?" My Kwami asked.

"What do you mean?" I snapped back.

"You just seem a bit sadder than usual today."

"I can't help it, Plagg. My father is as cold and distant as usual. I wonder if he'll eat dinner with me every single night. I get my hopes up every single night. But every single night he manages to let me down! I haven't eaten in days. My stomach is killing me."

"Why haven't you eaten? Your house is filled with food. But I know what'll cheer you up.... Some delicious Camembert cheese."

"I just get so upset that I don't feel like it. It's ridiculous cause I'm so used to this neglect that it really shouldn't phase me anymore."

"You know what I do when a piece of Camembert lets me down?"

"What?" I asked begrudgingly.

"I honestly don't know! It hasn't happened yet. Each piece is just as heavenly as the last. But I feel like I'd forgive a piece for being too hard, or too bland. Because I know the next piece will make up for it."

"So by your logic, I should find a new Dad to make up for the disappointment this one is causing me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, no..... Yes?.... No. I'll admit that wasn't the best metaphor, but if it helps, you can take one piece of cheese from my Camembert stash if you're THAT hungry. BUT JUST ONE!"

I laughed. "Thanks Plagg. What would I do without you."

"Probably be miserable."

He annoys me sometimes but I love him. Plagg has been here for me since Master Fu dropped him in my bag. He acts like he doesn't care but he really does. He gives me some good advice about 20% of the time too. All of the rest of his advice is mostly Camembert references. I don't mind them though. Sometimes they're pretty coherent.

"Sun's almost down, Plagg. You know what that means!" I said.

"We sit and relax the rest of the night? Please say yes!" The black Kwami pleaded.

"Haha, no! It's time for patrol! PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!"

I hopped up to the edge of my window looking out at the city. It was beautiful at this time of the day. The sliver of sun out on the horizon showered Paris in a light golden blanket leaving the whole city shimmering as the light escaped into the dark abyss of night.

I leaped forwards happily leaving my home behind me.


Freedom was what I yearned for, and yet, the only way I could actually have freedom is from behind a mask. In a way, I'm always wearing a mask. As Marinette I have to act the way my father expects me to. I have to keep my joker side at bay, and act as nothing less than perfection. However, as Lady Noire I can let that side out. But I still have to keep my identity secret and I also have to physically wear a mask. It sucks but I've accepted it. My life might look perfect, but no one's life is really perfect. Behind the facade, everyone's a little broken and hiding their secrets.

I feel my long dark braid flapping in the air as I bound from building to building. Sunlight has now completely escaped the sky line leaving Paris glowing in the dim moonlight and the yellow lights shining off of many buildings and monuments.

I finally arrived at the normal meeting spot. A building that has a head-on view of the Eiffel Tower. It was a beautiful view. I didn't mind waiting here for Misterbug. I always come here for patrol a little early anyways. The Eiffel Tower is beautiful, but even more so on nights like tonight. The moon was full and stars dotted the sky. A few small fluffy clouds slowly glided through the air. The Eiffel Tower glowed with a soft, yet pronounced light that lit up the city for miles. The view was indescribable, yet it always gets 10X better when my prince shows up.


Half-an-hour passed, and he had yet to show. I was worried he wouldn't come. He was always late, but never this late. I took out my cat phone and called him a third time.

No answer.

I was about to call for a fourth time when I realized he's probably not coming. I stood there for a few minutes contemplating what to do when all of a sudden, I heard a loud rumble.

Was my first thought. Then, I heard another rumble and this time I realized it was just my stomach. I can't even remember the last time I ate.

I thought about just giving up and going home for the night, but then I had an idea. I knew what would cheer me up.

I ran to the edge of the rooftop, and leaped into the night. I knew exactly where I wanted to go.

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