the plank

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Owlette was on the plank as captain black bread had the sword near her chest.

Black bread:get off my ship you scally wag!as owlette looked down and seen sharks in the water.

Owlette:wait please don't send me off the plank!

Black bread:really give us one reason why?

Owlette:because umm...I can..LEAD YOU GUYS TI BARRY TREASURE!!!as the captain put down his sword alittle bit.

Black bread:really you have a map?

Owlette:well no-

Black bread:than I'll send you off cause only a real pirate would have a map with he put the sword back up.

Owlette:but I need help!

Black bread:with what?

Owlette:I need to get this glowing jar!

Black he didn't belive her.

Owlette thoughts:*sighs*guess there is no other she knew what she had to tell them.

Owlette:I need this glowing jar so I can get back with my two friends cause..if I don't then I'll be stuck here forever..and I'll never see my friends again..and they are really important to me so please will you guys help she had tears in here eyes as the captain black bread face was alittle shock and put his sword all the way down.

Black bread:...ok we can help he grab her hand and let her back on the ship.

Owlette:really you will?as she wiped her tears.

Black bread:yeah..we all had stuff we lost that we he put his hand on his heart as all the other pirates looked down.

Black bread:meet me and my crew my name is captain black bread this is my first mate and best friend pete and there is also blonde beard,mr hooks,one eyed jeremy and he introduced himself to his gang.

Black bread:and there was all red stan but suddenly he's owlette knew who he was.

Owlette:oh you don't say.she said with a nervous and big smile.

Black bread:what's your name anyway?

Owlette:my name is...owly!as the pirates were confused.

Owlette:well I call myself owly sometimes...

Black beard:well your name is now first mate owly.

Black bread:anways batted down the hatches and hoist the sail cause were going to look for this young girls's glowing jar the crew cheered and batted down the hatches and hoist the sail and they began to sail off.

Owlette thoughts:if gekko was here he would squeal for she smirked.

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