sir gekko the brave

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The king and queen were on their thrones waiting for gekko to come back same with the guards and the three knights.

King:its pointless that dragon kid is never coming back!

Queen:can you be patient I'm sure he is just fighting the dragon or something.

Gekko:I'M BACK!!!as gekko ran into the castle on dash.

King:finally...wait where is the dragon's head did you even do what we told you to do!?

Gekko:yes and no..but come outside with he and dash went back outside as everybody felt unsure and started to follow him.

They were all outside where gekko is.

King:we're outside now where is that dragon?

Gekko:don't worry I'll call he whistled as dragy came as everyone screamed.

King:WHY IS THE DRAGON HERE AND ALIVE KNIGHTS KILL IT!!!as everyone was panicking as the knights were ready to kill him.

Gekko:STOP!!!as he yelled super loudly which caught everyone's attention.

Gekko:this might be the dragon who did all the bad things to your village but trust me he is actually a sweetheart right dragy shook his head yes as they were unsure.

Knight 1:I say we slay the dragy begin licking the knights.

Knight 2:eww dragon drool!...

Gekko:I feel your pain..but king and queen just take a look at him and see he is really the king and queen looked at him.

Queen:well he is kinda cute.

King:I don't think he's cute or friendly at the dragon grabbed the king.

King:hey put me down dragon!as the dragon snuggled with him.

King:hey stop*chuckles*that tickles!as the king started laughing.

King:ok ok we won't slay you or the dragon kid!as dragy put him down and dust himself off.

Gekko:not a drag...never mind.

Gekko:wait so your not gonna kill dragy?

King:no but if he wants he can be our royal and soon to be train dragon.

Gekko:would you like that dragy?as dragy shook his head yes.

Queen:then welcome sir dragy to the dragy git everyone and hugged them all tightly.

Gekko:dragy can you put us down your squeezing dragy put them down.

King:someone hand me a knight 1 handed him his sword than the king was walking towards gekko.

Gekko:umm..king what are you gonna do with that sword? he the king raised it up and swing it down as gekko closed his eyes tightly and suddenly feel a tap on the shoulder.

King:since you stopped the dragon from wrecking the village and gonna be our royal dragon I declare you sir...*whisper*what's your name?


King:sir gekko the brave!as he tapped the sword on both of his shoulders.

Queen:and we think you earned she gave gekko the glowing jar.

Gekko:thanks guys the only word I have to say the glowing jar was starting to spark and glow bright.

Knight 3:wait sir gekko the jar thing is glowing brighter than the glowing and sparking were getting brighter and brighter than it stopped but gekko vanished and was left was the burbt spot where he was standing at.

King:sir gekko?

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