Well what did you expect? Pumpkin Juice?

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After his meeting with McGonagall, Orion made his way to the library and started looking around to try and find his friends. Eventually he found them in a semi-secluded area and was able to catch a little of what Hermione was saying.

"....But it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion. Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed. And, of course, we'll need a bit of whoever we want to change into too." Hermione said while looking in a book that Orion recognized.

"What are you guys doing?" Orion asked with suspicion as he walked up to them. He looked at what Hermione was reading and became confused, his brows scrunched up with confusion. "Polyjuice Potion? What the bloody hell do you need a Polyjuice potion for?" He asked them with concern.

"We need it to be able to turn into Crabb and Goyle so we can find out what Malfoy knows about the Heir of Slytherin." Harry replied before turning back to Hermione, "How long will it take to make?" he asked.

"A month." Hermione stated looking up from the book.

"A month?" Harry asked incredulously. "But Hermione, if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin, he could attack half the muggle-borns in the school by then." Harry stated with a sense of urgency and concern in his voice.

"I know... But it's the only plan we've got." Hermione said sadly.

~Quidditch Game~

When the first quidditch game came around Orion could be found sitting down at the Gryffindor Team bench watching the game go on. Since he was just a back up he couldn't play but that didn't stop him from having butterflies in his stomach. As he watched the game go on he noticed that a bludger was apparently following Harry around. Orion became worried when he saw both Malfoy and Harry dive into the scaffolding of the stadium chasing after the snitch with the rogue bludger still chasing after them and barreling through all the wooden beams in its way.

Orion lost sight of both Malfoy and Harry for a minute until he saw Malfoy come flying out and crashing down back onto the pitch and landing in a splits. Seeing that Orion started laughing and bent over holding his stomach from laughing so hard. His laughing however came to a stop when the rogue bludger slammed into Harry's outstretched arm, Orion swore he could hear the bone break from where he was. Harry struggled to try and catch the snitch with his other arm as he clutched his most likely broken one to his chest. After a few seconds Harry fell off his broom and skidded along the ground on his back before coming to a stop.

Orion didn't waste another second and hopped on his broom speeding off towards where Harry lay arriving there just in time to see Hermione destroy the rogue bludger that was after Harry. Orion hopped off his broom and kneeled next to Harry.

"You alright mate?" Orion asked.

"No I think my arm is broken." Harry said as Lockhart arrived at his side.

"Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straight away." Lockhart said making Harry look up in slight fear.

"Not you." Harry said.

"Poor boy, doesn't know what he's saying." Lockhart said reaching out to grab Harry's broken arm.

Before he could however Orion stopped him, "I think he does, thank you very much, and we'll get this seen by a professional. And by professional I mean someone not likely to make the situation worse." Orion said pushing Lockhart out of the way and helping Harry to his feet. "Come on Harry let's get you to Madam Pomfrey." Orion said helping Harry to walk off the field.

~Medical Wing~

Orion took Harry straight to the medical wing where Madam Pomfrey was looking over Malfoy who wasn't really injured.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Orion called out gaining her attention when she saw the state Harry was in she rushed over.

"What happened?" she asked guiding them over to an open bed.

"A rogue bludger broke his arm." Orion said setting Harry down on the bed.

Madam Pomfrey took out her wand and pointed it at Harry's arm and moved it up and down on Harry's arm before taking it off and sighing. "Well the bad news is that the bone is shattered, you'll have to stay here over night Potter and regrow that bone. Let me go get you the potion." she said before walking off.

"Hey look on the bright side Harry at least I stopped Lockhart from making it worse." Orion said chuckling getting Harry to laugh as well.

"Yeah thanks for that." Harry said before his bed was swarmed by the other second year Gryffindor's.

"You ok there Harry?" Ron asked.

"Peachy." Harry replied with a smile making everyone laugh lightly. They were all interrupted by the groaning of Malfoy who was on a separate bed that was across the room.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss. You can go." Madam Pomfrey said as she walked passed his bed before coming up to the group surrounding Harry's bed. "Out of my way. Out of my way." she said to the people blocking her path to which they moved out of the way. She came over to the other side of Harry's bed with a potion bottle and a cup. "I can mend broken bones in a heartbeat but shattered bones?" she said placing the potion and cup down on the table side.

"You will be able to though right?" Hermione asked concerned.

"I'll be able to, certainly, but it will be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter." she said while pouring the potion into the cup. "Mending shattered bones is nasty business." Pomfrey said handing Harry the potion. However when Harry took one sip he immediately spit it back out.

"Well what did you expect? Pumpkin Juice?" Pomfrey said sarcastically before shooing off the group of Gryffindors around Harry's bed

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"Well what did you expect? Pumpkin Juice?" Pomfrey said sarcastically before shooing off the group of Gryffindors around Harry's bed.

"See ya Harry." Ron said walking out.

"Bye Harry." Hermione said following Ron.

"Take care mate." Orion said being the last one out.

To Be Continued...

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