Chapter 22

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Seulgi knocked on the door softly.

" Jisoo?"

Silent. She hold a doorknob knowing that jisoo's door didn't lock.

" Jisoo, I'm coming " She open the door slowly.

She enter the room, she saw jisoo sat on the study table looking at the box, which she assumed that it all was from jennie. She went closer to have a look and pull another chair to sit beside jisoo.

" Jisoo ahh I--"

" if you are here to talk about that, then don't. I'm happy for them " Jisoo cut her off.

" it's fake " Seulgi said.

" what do you—"

" It's a planned jisoo, I planned all of those, hoping you get jealous and admit your feeling for her"

Jisoo stunned. They look at each other for awhile.

" You know I can't love anyone else " Jisoo whisper looking at the box that full of gift that she exchanged with jennie during their anniversary.

" What do you mean you can't?  You deserve to be happy jisoo. That's enough. You tortured yourself enough."

" you had been there saw that"

" I'm sure jennie will love to see you happy too"

Jisoo didn't say  anything and just staring at necklace in her hand.

" Do you like her? " Seulgi broke a silent.

Jisoo nods. She decided to be honest for once to her best friend.

" what do you see in her to soften your heart like this?"

" it's a very selfish way to describe her, but I saw everything of jennie in her, everything she does. It always remind me of jennie. Her smile, her laugh, her personality, they even have a similar name." Jisoo smiles.

" Maybe Jennie send her to look after you" Seulgi joke, but jisoo didn't laugh.

" I'm not forcing you anymore soo, but don't regret it later when your chance slipped away out of your hand. " Seulgi get up tap jisoo's shoulder lightly and leave the room.

Jisoo just sitting in the room thinking about the whole chaos events that happened between her and jane.

Suddenly a flashback of jane come up. Her heart did flutters at  first sight when she saw jane. Her heart race when she saw jane smile or laugh. Her heart beat like crazy when jane accidently hugged her in that bus. She is happy when she saw jane happy, she upset when she saw jane unhappy. She was jealous when saw jongin always stay beside a younger girl. She mad when jongin made jane laugh because she was not the reason behind that. And jisoo is not stupid, she know she like her. No jisoo loves her, very much tho.

She abruptly get up and went outside the room, looking for seulgi.

" Seul do you know where is she right now?" She grab seulgi arm while the bear busy talking to her friends.

" Woah calm down tiger!  What with a rush?"

" I need to tell her something!  Please tell me where is she right now seul "

Seulgi look her friends smiling.

It work. She thought to herself.

" I don't know jisoo. She said she want sometime alone, she refused to let me drive her home. "

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