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Jisoo walking toward her mom grave. It's been too long since she visited her mom. She put a flower beside its.

" It's been so long that I visited you mom. It took me too long to crop up with everything that happened" She smile and sit down.

" How are you up there omma? " She look up the to the sky.

" Seeing how the cloud is so clear today, the answer is yes right? But I am not omma. As you can see right now, day by day, literally day by day, I'm dying a little more inside."

Jisoo watched a couples who walk passed her hand in hand. She looked up and softly sighed. She touched her heart and said:

"I miss her a little more than I expected today."  She wasn't sad, just a little tired.

She wanted to talk to someone but there was no one that popped up in her mind. Then she saw there was a church beside it and so she get up and walk to it. When she arrived, she take a deep sigh and went in. 

The church was big but empty, Jisoo walked up to the first row and sat down. Looking in front, a hundred words started flowing up to her heart. 

"God, this is the first time I'm praying to you, I have no idea how should I start. I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Kim Jisoo, I'm 28 this year and I'm a little sad right now" 

"Just now, I was visited my mom. I feel like I'm dying, I wanted to die. I have nothing to hold on anymore. I tried to kill myself a few times, but all end up failed. I know, people around me are scared, they're worried. I thought I would be too, I thought I still had a lot of things that I haven't do, I'm still young, aren't I?" 

"But oddly, my heart was very calm. So calm that even me myself felt weird. Then I asked myself, why? Why am I not scared? What if I just died and leave everything behind? There's so much that I wanted to do but have never done it"  Jisoo took a paused then she continued.

"And so I started to think, what if I died, what are the things that I wanted to do but have never done it, then when I got the answer, I suddenly understand why" 

"God, can you believe it, after rethinking my whole life, I realised there's only one thing that I want to do"  With a sad smile plastered on her face, Jisoo said,

"I want to wake up by her side everyday, I want to be able to prepare breakfast and dinner for her everyday, I want to be her home, I want me to be the one she leans on when she's weak, I want me to be the soft spot in her heart, I want to be with her, I guess that's technically not just one thing, but god, I want to marry her" 

"Yes I guess in short, I just want to marry her"  Jisoo took a deep sighed, before she knew it, tears started flowing out. 

"I want to be the one who gives her happiness, but why is it so hard?" 

"For all my life, I have never met someone like her, or even close to her. She's special, she's one of a kind. I knew it from the very beginning that she's the one" 

"Am I wrong? Did I thought wrong? But I really love her, I really do, from the first sight, I fell in love" Jisoo cried out Little sobs were in her voice as she said,

"People are telling me that I'd get over it, telling me there's better people out there, but I know that no one, and I mean no one will ever give me the same feeling like she did" 

"They're saying I'm dying because of bad thing that happened in my life, but no, it was because of this love, my soul had already bind together with this love, as the love dies, my soul followed" 

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