Don't cry Christina <3

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I try pull myself together, but it hurts so much.

*1 hour earlier*

I'm done with my hair and makeup all that's left is to get dressed for the founders party at Tyler's, I can't wait to see Stefan I'll have to force him to dance as per usual it'll be fun and I'll dance with Bonnie and Caroline. I wonder if this dress is to fancy.

*knock knock*

  "yes who is it" I yell out

"It's me Stefan your mom let me in" Stefan said through the door

"Come in" I said as I make my way to my closet to get dressed as he walked in I felt his eyes make their way to me and within a second he was beside me holding my waist kissing the back of my neck I nudged him off and said " not now I have to get ready" i said as goosebumps went down my spine "ok, sorry" Stefan said as he backed away and sat on my bed

I could feel his eyes watching my every move as I changed, I went to do up my dress but I couldn't reach the zipper "Stefan" I said quietly

"Yeah, what do you need" he answered

"Can you help me with the zipper I can't reach"

He stood up and slowly zipped my dress up. "Thank you, can you pass my my gloves off the table."

"Your welcome" he said with a smile as he handed me my gloves 

He walked towards me stared me in the eyes and told me how beautiful I looked he reached his arm out and we locked elbows and walked down the hall I stoped and said "wait I forgot my bag, I'll meet you downstairs"

A few minutes pasted and I still haven't found my purse i looked in my closet on bed in my bathroom I couldn't find it anywhere I heard Stefan yell up the stairs asking what's taking so long. I ignore him and continue looking. Seconds later i find it under my bed i grab it and make my way down stairs. I look around but i can't see Stefan i call out to him and he walks through the door and puts his phone in his pocket he looks angry i asked him if everything is alright. He lied but i didn't give it much thought he walked to his car and  got in i was busy saying bye to mom i didnt notice him walk away when i got to the car he hung up his phone again and didnt say a word until we got to Tyler's.

I stepped out of the car and started making my way to the door i saw Caroline and Bonnie on my way to the door we linked arms and walked inside. Somehow on our way in we had lost our dates Bonnie came with Elena's little brother Jeramy and i think Caroline came by herself, i went and got us all drinks. Someone bumped into me and i spilt the drinks all over myself and Tyler saw and gave a cloth to try dry myself off it didnt really help but the gesture was nice "where's the bathroom ?" I asked

Down the hall third door on your right," Tyler said

I tried my best to dry myself off i made my way back to the party i looked for Bonnie in the crowd i saw her standing by the punch "have you seen Stefan I haven't seen him since i got here" i asked Bonnie

"No I haven't seen him sorry, hey what happened to your dress??"

"Nothing just a little accident while trying to get drinks it'll fine i just hope it doesn't stain." I looked around the crowded room hoping to see Stefan somewhere, Bonnie started talking but i was to busy to hear what she was saying all of a sudden i feel a hand on  my lower back i gasp and turn around to see who it was.
It was Stefan "where have you been i have been looking everywhere for you, what's going on you're acting weird." He looked distracted, he ignored my question and said " I'm sorry but i have to go I'm not feeling well."

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