Part 2

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Stefan hasn't been home in a couple of days, i understand why he doesn't want to come back he's terrified what Damon might do to him again if he comes back after hurting me, as soon as Damon brought back home he confronted Stefan and asked him why the hell he would do something like this to me, i know for a fact Damon didn't give him a second to answer before punching him in the face.

Damon has been kind enough to let me sleep in his room its nicer then Stefan's not as cluttered. I was going to go back to my house but Damon insisted i stayed i couldn't possibly turn down the offer to sleep in Damons room and have him all to myself, " Damon..."
"Yes, Christina what is it?"
"You... don't think I'm being selfish do you?"
"What do mean?"
"Well its only been a few days since i broke up with Stefan don't you think its weird for me to be with you right now..." i paused as i placed my hand in my lap
"I just don't know what to do right now Damon... my chest hurts whenever i think about Stefan and....I can barely breathe." A waterfall of tears come rushing down my checks and fall into my lap Damon come towards the bed and sits at my feet he puts his hand on my knee and says " i don't think you're being selfish i think you're moving on like any person would."
He's always so kind to me even before when i was still with Stefan, i feel like Damon has always been there for me and i love him for that, I don't think I've ever loved anyone like this before and it's kind of driving me crazy, I'm always in the mood to rip off his clothes when I'm in a room with him, when he stared me at me i can feel his eyes undressing me and i love it, i love the rush i get from being near him, one of thee days ill do something about these fantasies but for now ill just keep them to myself until i get over Stefan.

Each day Damon drives me to school and each day i watch for Stefan but i never see him i don't know if thats a good thing or not but wherever he is i hope he's ok. Another boring day of high school in my opinion i think its a waste of time especially since my life is full of vampires. last period you'll never guess who i see in the halls, if you guessed Stefan you're correct i see him walking down the hall to his locker with his books he completely ignores me while he walks past, i take great offence to this so i chase after him and demand and answer to why he slept with Caroline, he looked down at me and said " sorry... do i know you??"
"WHAT!! What do you mean???" "We've been dating fir the past 7 months!" I said it as if he was across the room even though he was right infront of me

"You don't need to yell you know I'm right here, but I'm sorry i really don't know you and besides I'm dating Caroline we've been dating for 7 months, you must have me confused for someone else."

"What kind of game are you playing right now?do you think its funny that i feel like this and that I dont matter and that you can just pretend like you've never met me, do you honestly not remember a single thing that went on between us??" I said as tears ran down my face
"I'm sorry, but i have to go, someone is waiting for me outside."

I find my self walking to Damon and Stefan's house, god i hate that name "Stefan!" What's wrong with him i dont know what chanced have i really imagined it all??? Was any of it real?
I find myself at their door and I knock three times like normal but before i can finish the third knock someone opens the door its Damon i go to Run into his arm and hug him then all of a sudden i hear Stefan's voice from the other room "who is it Damon?"
I look up at Damon with a look of dread in my eyes and i can't help but shed a tear i wipe it away hoping Damon didn't see he bends over and whispers in my ear " Are you ok? Christina." I could hear the sadness in his voice he always sounds like that when he knows there's something wrong with me.

Stefan come to the door and repeats himself "Damon i said who is it?" This time he sounded angry like i just interrupted something important.
Damon turns around and punches him in the face.
"Why the hell did u punch me??"

" because of what you're doing to Christina. How could you hurt her like that if you actually loved her you wouldn't treat her like this."

"Oh that girl again how does she know where we live? She seems to think that we're dating."

"We were until a few nights ago. When i caught you sleeping with Caroline."

" I don't remember any of this... is that a problem that i don't remember?"

"Yes its a problem Stefan." Damon says with a high voice as he pushes Stefan in the house and grabs my hand and brings me to the couch .

Time passes as we tell Stefan everything, and i mean everything. I have no idea if any of this is jogging any memories or not which is kind of annoying. Stefan is staring to get irritated and storms out of the house and drives off.

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