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I sit on the couch as Kiibo sets the room up. I feel so useless sitting here while Kiibo does all the work. "Can I help in any way?", I asked kinda annoyed. "Hm? Oh, No! I'm fine!", Kiibo says sticking his head into the living room. Kiibo walks into the living room and looks at the clock on the wall. "Hm. I should get started on the food.", Kiibo says to himself. "Can I please help with that?", I whine, trying to stand "Do you need help standing?", Kiibo asks walking up to me and holds his hand out. "I can do this by myself!", I stand up

I immediately fall over onto my knees and hands.

"Oh my god, Oma, are you okay?!", Kiibo rushes to my aid. "I- I'm fine! I don't need help!!", Say raising my voice as kiibo sits me up. "Do you feel any pain in your legs, Oma-Kun?", Kiibo says staring at me with a look of concern. "I said I'm fine.", I grumble as I stand up.

"H-hey! No standing!", Kiibo says as he pushes me into a sitting position on the couch. "Fuck! Kiibo let me get up!", I shout.

Kiibo had his hands on my legs, looking at them to check to see if I hurt myself.

 while I sat on the couch red from frustration?

"Okay, it looks like your legs aren't broken...", kiibo mumbles checking the other one. "Really?? I hadn't noticed.", I say aggravated.

Kiibo sets my legs down and backs up. "Can you stand?". 

I stand up, a little Shakey.

^Kiibo's POV^

I watch as kokichi shakenly stands. Kokichi suddenly walks to the kitchen. "H-hey! Where are you going?!", I stand up. "Helping!", Kokichi shouts as he opens the fridge. "You don't even know what I'm cooking!", I exclaimed walking up to kokichi. "Well, Tell me then", Kokichi says after sighing and closing the fridge. I smile awkwardly. "i- I didn't plan that far ahead...", I chuckle. Kokichi looks at me like I'm stupid. "Don't look at me like that!", I mumble. "Just make ramen. That should be something simple for you to make.", Kokichi says as he wobbles back to the couch.

"Are you gonna help?", I question. "No...", kokichi says as he lays on the couch. "I'm tired..."

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