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"hi welcome to amy's café how can i help  you today?" alexa smiled her usual smile while saying the same introduction she always said. with her hair braided on each side of her face with strands falling out all over the place, she looked like a child. she enjoyed the look though. it reminded her of when life wasn't so complex and intense and she could just flash her innocent dimples at people to get herself out of sticky situations.

"yeah hi, can i please get a mochaccino with a blueberry muffin please?" the brunette teenager at the other side of the register said as he barely glanced up from his phone that had been living in his hand for the whole social exchange like it was a technological growth. alexa was lucky enough to see that his eyes were blue.

"sure thing love," alexa responded as she typed his order into the registers computer. "that comes to six dollars and fifty cents. can i just grab a name for that order?" she spoke as she stared up at him for probably the last time that day. 

"sure um its louis."

"alright louis you're order will be out soon." alexa finished with the same smile she started with as louis pulled out his phone and started tapping away at the small screen. with that encounter down and nobody else waiting to be served, she disappeared behind the overly large coffee maker and proceeded to make the mochaccino.

as she pulled levers, steamed the water, spooned in the chocolate and was almost ready to call out the name on the screen, her name was called instead.


being classic alexa she pretended to not hear over the sound of the coffee machine that was slowly powering down. but it was called a second time and this time the voice was a lot closer to her. too close that she recognised the voice. oh god.

"hey alexa, remember me?"

as she turned around she planted the smile that she was using only a few minutes ago back on her face as she tilted her head to the side in a pleasing way. "seeing that i just met you the other night, yes. yes i do.

he was too busy laughing at the situation before him. "well aren't i the luckiest man on the earth. fate was kind to me."

"fate?" alexa questioned the curly haired boy in front of her, picking up the now foamed cup of mocha and placing it on the dusting area of the bench. she let picking the right duster occupy her eye sight because she knew staring into harry's eyes longer than necessary would cause an embarrassing state. 

"yes; fate my dear," harry continued as he rested his elbows on the bench in front of him and looked at alexa with a quirky smile. "how else do you explain seeing each other in less than twenty four hours?"

that's when he caught alexa's attention. "well it depends doesn't it," her voiced sassed back.

"oh does it?" he questioned, chuckling behind his words.

frostbite // harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now