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before her car was even able to reach the parking lot the snow had completely carpeted the public park with only the paths being dug out by the maintenance people. the trees were drifting one way and the other with the slight weight of snow on their leaves. and the snow.

it fell at the a slow and mesmerizing speed as it fell from the sky in tiny almost translucent spheres or if you were lucky the odd properly shaped snowflake. after alexa finally did pull up in the parking lot, she applied the hand break and switched off the ignition but she didn't get out of the car. she just sat for a bit.

she couldn't decide whether she expected this or not. during her last few weeks at school there were rumours going around school about jack cheating and how he only uses girls for sexual pleasures and then leaves them once he 'de-flowers' them. but at the time she was naïve and stupid enough to think he was perfect. oh was it all clear now. never was she going back to that horror show.

"no boys for a while alexa. just be yourself by yourself." she told herself, hoping that she would follow through. she could probably use the free time to rack up some more hours at her job in the café she works at with her mum. her mum owned it while alexa worked the tables. she used to help out her mum all the time and loved it but when jack came into the picture he became priority to her.she needed the money at the moment too. her little apartment could use some new upgrades [meaning actually buying a heater. she was freezing her ass off every night].

she hopped out of the car in blur, not putting much effort into her movements. floating. her thick and padded dr martens were a good fashion choice for today as she started her trek to her favourite bench in the park. it was in the middle of everything yet nobody seemed to notice her sitting there. she remembered being a child and visiting with her mother and father every other day after school. whether it was summer or winter she would sit on the bench and just stare at things.

she knew where everything belonged in this park and that she was proud of. she knew how many steps it took to get to anywhere and she was proud of that. she knew how many times she had thrown up drunk when she visited the park with jack and his pompous friends and she wasn't proud of that. she was thinking about the first time her friends told her that jack was cheating on her with other girls. she remembered the sickening feeling it gave her, right down to the pit of her stomach.

but not even a two second pause later she was brought back to the present moment and started defending the man that she thought she loved. what a joke. as she thought deep and hard the cold wind started to pick up more, bringing the chills with it. the cold started to sink through alexa's hoodie and she started to shiver. just as she thought that it would be a good idea to leave she heard a voice sprout from behind her.

"hey, you got a light?"

alexa turned around to find a boy not too much older than herself. he was tall with a black coat on, clearly dressed for this type of weather. his hair was wavy, fresh, long-ish and brown whilst his eyes shone a bright green that resembled mint ice-cream.

"if you want it for a cigarette i am not lending it to you."

"nice. but no, i wanted to light this piece of paper on fire."

"why must you incinerate it? can't you just chuck it in the bin?"

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