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"look... babe i didn't mean anything by it. i wasn't trying to rush you or anything," jack spoke in the voice that normal girls would just swoon over. with his jet black hair that was cropped perfectly in a little quiff on his head and his coral blue eyes he was your ideal package. biceps, brains and charm.

he was dreamy. and that's how alexa fell for him. it was their senior year of high school and it was your typical trip-and-fall, drop-your-textbook-and-he-picks-it-up type romance where as soon as their eyes met they couldn't stop staring. they had a thing since then and it got more passionate and special as the year went on until they became official around mid year and since then they have been your ideal loved-up couple with make out sessions held under the bleachers and in the janitors closet during lunch breaks.

but remember, only normal girls would go weak at the knees. alexa wasn't normal - far from it. she liked independence and had her self respect still intact unlike most of the girls she had gone to school with. she wanted her first time to be special and worth something not a quick thing on top of the sheets in the middle of the day with short moans that would be over in a matter of seconds. she wanted candles and starlight and time. oh man did she really want that time. she wanted so much more but she was restricted with everything.

as he extended his arms out from his bed as if he was trying to beckon her over once again, she flinched and stared at him in utter disgust, her nose scrunched and her mouth unable to form any other sentence but, "you are such a fucking asshole!" she spat it at him realizing he thought he was going to get his way this time. the first few times he tried this she normally just let it pass thinking it was just his hormones saying these things but his actions were starting to really sinking in. he wasn't going to stop persisting with this.

"baby girl... c'mon, don't be like that. just come and cuddle with me. i know you love my cuddles."

now he was staring at her with those eyes. those eyes that she felt like she could just stare into for hours. those eyes that could make her heart melt in seconds. those eyes that right now felt like ropes trying to pull her in. not this time.

she took yet another step back and another and another until she was out in the hallway of his house, making a direct beeline for his front door. alexa was feeling sick to the stomach and she had a funny feeling that it was because of her ill-conceived boyfriend. he knew she was still a virgin and how special she wanted that first time to be yet he kept trying to abuse her emotionally into giving into him. she was just over it. she couldn't take anymore rumours of jack cheating on her either. but she wasn't going to give in just to stop the latter - no way. she was just done.

"fucking dickwad, piss-face, shit-mouthed motherfucking pathetic twat of a human..." alexa mumbled under her breath, unable to contain her resentment for the 'man' she thought that she loved. what a mistake that was. thankfully she never admitted it to him.

as she was almost at the door, a hand grabbed her shoulder from behind and pushed her up against the wall, her back connecting loudly with the plaster as the hand transferred to her forearm. as her forearm was slammed up against the wall, her eyes met jacks. in her fumed state, she was too busy to notice him calling her name from the bedroom, eventually giving up on that and chasing her down to this point.

"where do you think you are gonna go?" he almost yelled at her, eyebrows drawn in out of frustration. "have you seen the weather outside?" as alexa glanced toward the window that was set in the middle of the door, she saw the blanket of white settling around their surroundings. it was early december so seeing snow wasn't really that uncommon.

even though she didn't expect it, the weather still didn't change her mood. staring up at him with stone cold eyes, she said to him the last sentence she would ever say to his face.

"being outside in the freezing weather with my fingers turning into icicles would be twenty times better than being stuck here with you," she then pushed him off her, as his eyes stayed locked on her body as it angled for the front door, twisting the handle until it swung open. she then stood in the open space of the door with her auburn hair flicking around her with the gust of the wind the door released into the house, turning to him one last time. "at least then if i saw you i could stab them right through your pathetic heart."

with that final note she slammed the door closed and stepped into the powder white openness of the driveway. she didn't regret walking away from him but she did regret not bringing warmer clothes. slamming her hands into the pocket of her throw over batman hoodie, she trekked out towards her car waiting for her on the side of the road, thinking of the only place she could find clarity.

as she fell into the seat of her white hyundai getz, she sighed the deepest and most longest sigh. she felt sore not only in her back which had collided pretty harshly against the wall but also on her forearm. it was tender to the touch as she tried to ignore the slight sting of pain.

"never again alexa, never again. you deserve better. you deserve so much better than that jerk."

she repeated that sentence out loud to herself as she tried to convince herself that it was true.

in the back of her head she thought that maybe she had done something horrible to someone that would make her deserve this horrible fate. in one swift motion, she turned the key in the ignition to the car, shifted gears to first, released the clutch and sped off down the street, away from jack. she just wanted out of that head space. she was headed straight for the only place that she knew she could escape the world. she was heading to the local park.


ok so i know its really short and ew at the moment but give me time. i actually have some good ideas for this one and i know where i want it to go and i promise i will update as regularly as i can and i wont procrastinate at all because ugh this is going to be bril and i hope you guys stick with me and this book and omg please please please dont hate me for being shit with 'permanent' and for making you wait so long for the epilogue of 'red hair and a blue hoodie'. it will be there soon and it will be a great finish to the book i promise i promise i promise <3

kisses from me,


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