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as alexa walked calmly but giddily over to where harry sat in the back table as she instructed, she tried her absolute hardest to not spill the drinks the two of them had ordered. a 'cup of joe' for harry and a plain soy mocha for herself. she even splashed out and bought them in mugs so the gorgeous designs that she specialized in could be seen. harry was just sitting in his seat on his phone, typing away. when alexa reached the table top she placed the drinks on the edge saying, "your drink is in front of you." only then did harry look up at her and smile in a way of appreciation as alexa found a seat next to him.

"they look great. mind if i...?" as he lifted up his phone in a way of indicating he wanted to take a picture. with his eyebrows raised at her she could only manage one thought. he is so fucking cute. but as soon as the thought became she hated herself for thinking of him that way.

"of course you can. im not going to tell you that you cant take a picture. but one thing though."


"are you one of those types?

"those types?" harry looked at her quizzically for a moment.

"you know, the ones that take pictures of their coffee and upload it to instagram?"

then his face changed. almost like a mocked sad expression. he turned around in his chair to look directly at alexa. "this is really hard for me to admit you know... i haven't told anyone else but i feel like i can trust you."

he then presses his finger down to his phone and shows her the screen. as alexa looks down all she sees are amazing photos. no doubt there are a few pictures of coffee and some food shots but the majority of them were landscapes, gardens, amazing portraits taken of him and even some journal shots too. to top things off it was all filtered under a very serious black and white.

it made his imagery so opaque and severe and beautiful that she almost couldn't stand sitting there without saying anything. before she could comment on the beauty he had captured in his photos, he pulled the phone away from view and went back to taking a birds eye view of his coffee. as he lifted his phone to prepare for the picture he said, "god i wish who knew who did these designs. they are quite spectacular."

alexa dropped her head in proud embarrassment as her cheeks reddened lightly. harry obviously noticed.

"woah woah hold up... you did these?" as he pointed to the drinks. then she glanced over at the beverages. in her mind they were just an everyday necessity – she had been making these fancy decorations for years now while she worked with mum. from the age of fifteen she was the youngest barista people knew and everytime she was asked to place the drink in a mug, she experimented with new designs and creations with the powdered chocolate and foam. on harrys drink she had created, what she saw as, a simple flower. but in harrys mind she had created a flower that belonged in the queens garden. the flicks were elegant and the craftsmen ship was something he had never seen before. "i might need to tag you on instagram for this."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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