Chapter 8: The Art of Epiphany

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 The question that kept popping up inside Newt's head on that day was why.

Newt grabbed his phone before his brain even had the time to process that he was already awake. His thumbs automatically tapped away until he was on his messaging app. He typed in a good morning message for Thomas but before he could press send, he paused.

Why? He asked himself as he stared at his own message. He wondered why Thomas was the first person he would unconsciously think of even before he opened his eyes. He wondered why the first thing he would do in the morning was to send Thomas a good morning message. He had never done that to anyone before - not even to his best mates. There was this uncomfortable feeling on his chest so he decided not to dwell too much about it. Instead, he just shook his head and pressed send.

He then got up from his bed to take a shower and get his day started. It was around a few minutes before ten a.m. so he prepared a sandwich for his late breakfast before checking his phone to read Thomas's reply.

thomas_son: Good morning! You woke up early today.

Newt smiled as he typed in his reply before sitting down and eating his sandwich. It was the weekend after they went to the beach resort with Lizzy. His sister was happily together with Harriet by the time they left the resort. Newt was happy for them and he was also happy with himself. He managed to comfort Thomas with his hug! Ever since they went to the bar, Thomas had slowly started acting more normal again. If you ask Newt why he cared, he would say it was because Tommy's his friend but anyone could clearly see there was more to that.

acutenewt: i cant tell if youre being sarcastic on the phone.
thomas_son: I'm not. I really mean it. It's almost half an hour earlier than usual.
thomas_son: It wasn't supposed to sound as creepy as that.
thomas_son: I'm not stalking you or keeping track or anything. I just somehow noticed!
acutenewt: i wasnt even thinking of that. youre too defensive, tommy
thomas_son: I'm just making things clear so you don't misunderstand, okay?
acutenewt: whatever. anyway, wanna come over?
thomas_son: Sure. Shall I bring some food? I have imported instant noodles.
acutenewt: no need. i'll cook some bbq. i also have some ingredients for cupcakes. wanna help me bake later?
thomas_son: Why do you have ingredients for cupcakes?
acutenewt: lizzy baked some for me and her other friends but she bought too many ingredients and left them at my place.
thomas_son: I see. Let's bake then. You will have to guide me because I know nothing.
acutenewt: i figured that much
thomas_son: Hey! That's harsh :(
acutenewt: is it not true though?
thomas_son: Fine. Be like that. I will just sulk all day. Hmph.
thomas_son: Hmph.
thomas_son: Hmph.
thomas_son: Hmph.
thomas_son: Hmph.
thomas_son: Hmph.
acutenewt: fine. i apologize, tommy~ you look like a good cook. i couldn't tell at all
thomas_son: Yeah, that's what I thought [smirking emoji]

Why? Why would Newt always crave to hang out with Thomas even when that was not a necessity in the nature of their fake relationship? In his defense, Thomas was a really good company. He would make the simple things Newt used to get bored with seemed a lot more fun - like playing games, watching movies, and eating junk foods. Thomas' presence was enough to make Newt's perspective on things change to a more positive light.

Again, Newt did not dwell on the question and focused his attention instead on finishing his sandwich. He had told himself before that there was no use thinking too much about things which were working and he once again told himself exactly that. Their relationship or friendship - whatever it was called, was working for both of them so questioning it was pointless.

At noon, Newt found himself eating barbecued meat while watching a movie with Thomas. They were watching Mulan - Thomas picked it, saying that the music was going to be a bop as a joke but they continued watching even after the opening scene.

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