Characters (Skip this if you didn't wannna any spoiler)

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Name: (First/Name) (Last/name)
Call as: (Y/N) or (Y/N)-kun by Japan and Miku
Age: 16
Country: (Your/Country)
Stayed: Japan (for studies and you school in there)
Gender: Boy♂️
Status: A man who is passionate about fighting and he will fight*a *** y ** a in the final part. He will stonewall to save the Philippines and others. Has a good friend named Mirai Muku and they were best friends since moving to Japan and going to school there. Promise not to part with Mirai Muku forever

Name: Mirai Muku (Not a real name)
Called as: Miku or Miku-chan by Japan
Country: Unknown
Gender: Girl♀️
Stayed: Japan (But not a native Japanese citizen)
Status: Know (Y/N) since (Y/N) moved to her school, and in silence, they both fell in love with each other in silence. They promise to be together always for each other. Miku also helps (Y/N) to save the Philippines

Name: Brunei Darussalam
Called as: Brunei or Brunei-chan by Japan and Miku
Country: ---
Gender: Girl♀️
Stayed: College school (maybe?)
Status (And personalities): Assistant class leader in the Asean class. A kind and gentle person, but scary when she's angry. Caring for everyone especially her classmates and guests [(Y/N) and Miku]. Helping Singapore to solve the assault and kidnapping case,as well as helping to attract the attention of enemies.

Name: Singapore
Called as: Singa or Singa-san by Japan and Miku (Bonus: Singapura by Malaysia)
Country: ---
Gender: Boy♂️
Stayed: College school
Status (and personality): Class leader in the Asean class. A wise and serious person. Assisted by Brunei to solve assault and kidnapping cases at their school. Breaking the secret that to track down the attacker members is that they have a hibiscus symbol on their shoulders, also once told that one of the members of the attack was Malaysia

Name: Indonesia
Called as: Indo or Indo-kun by Japan and Miku (Bonus: Indon by Malaysia just for joke)
Country: ---
Gender: Boy♂️
Stayed: College school
Status (and personality): Kind and cheerful but became quiet after losing Malaysia (Not a ship, because they were boy). Also trying to get Malaysia and Philippines with the help of (Y/N) and Miku. Indonesia tried to stop Singapore from deciding to k*l**ng Malaysia. But Singapore sticks to that decision which forced Indo to acknowledge Singapore’s decision

Name: Malaysia
Called as: Mal or Mal-kun by Japan and Miku, Malay by Singapore (Bonus: Mr. Hibiscus by attacker group)
Country: ---
Gender: Boy♂️
Stayed: College school and The secret place of criminals
Status (and personality): He ever was friends with Indonesia and other Nusantara experts, but everything changed when he was kidnapped. Once kidnapped Philip and killed other countries and states during the 2nd attack in the school. Brainwashed by the attack chief and appointed a new attack chief dubbed Mr. Hibiscus. And finally k*l*ed by Indonesia and (Y/N)

Name: Philippines
Called as: Philip or Philip-chan by Miku and Japan
Country: ---
Gender: Girl♀️
Stayed: College school
Status (and personality): People who don't talk too much (or are the quietest) among other Nusantara members. Very fortunate not to be brainwashed by Malaysia after being kidnapped by him causing Philippines to believe deep in Malaysia he is actually conscious but almost all of Malaysia's consciousness is locked because of his brainwashing. But Philippines had to comply with Singapore's proposal to k**l Malaysia

ASEAN classmates

Name: Thailand
Called as: Thai or Thai-chan by Miku and Japan
Gender: Girl♀️

Name: Cambodia
Called as: Cambodia or Cambodia-chan by Miku and Japan
Gender: Girl♀️

Name: Timor Leste
Call as: Timor or Timor-kun by Miku and Japan
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: Burma (Myammar)
Called as: Myam or Myam-kun
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: Laos
Called as: Laos or Laos-kun by Miku and Japan

Name: Vietnam
Called as: Viet or Viet-chan by Miku and Japan
Gender: Girl♀️

Other Characther (May appear, may not)

Name: Nihongo (Japan)
Called as: Japan-chan or Nihon-chan by Miku
Gender: Girl♀️

Name: United State Of America (USA)
Called as: Ame or Ame-san by Japan and Miku
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: Russia
Called as: Russie or Russia by (Y/N) and South Asians and Russie-kun by Japan and Miku
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: South Korea
Called as: S.K or S.korea-chan by Japan and Miku
Gender: Girl♀️

Name: North Korea
Called as: N.K or N.Korea-san by Japan and Miku
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: China
Called as: China or China-san by Japan and Miku
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: Hong Kong
Called as: Hong Kong or Hong Kong-san by Japan and Miku
Gender: Girl♀️

Name: Australia
Called as: Aussie or Autralia by (Y/N) and Southeast Asia and Aussie-kun by Japan and Miku
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: Germany
Called as: Germaine or German by (Y/N) and Southeast Asia and German-san by Japan and Miku
Gender: Boy♂️

Name: United Kindom (U.K)
Called as: U.K or U.K-san by Japan and Miku
Gender: Boy♂️

Hibiscus symbol (Countryhumans Nusantara [Asean] X Male Reader {With Oc} ) Where stories live. Discover now