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This is a story about 5 good friends known as Nusantaragroup ... Known as Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and the Philippines.

'Hey hurry up everyone, we want to get to the top of this hill!!' Said someone with red and white hair.

'Wait for us Indon! I know your stamina is more highter than all of us!!!´Complains of someone who has red, white, blue hair and has a yellow 16-patterned moon and star (Please, don't hate me😖😖).

'*Huff* *Huff* Yes, you are really great Indo ... 'Praise someone who has yellow, white and black hair and has a strange pattern of too? (Don't feel bad either).

'And Singapore is the lowest among the four of us...'Say someone who has blue, red, and white hair colors and has a yellow symbol that looks like the sun and 3 stars.

'What did you say, Philippines?!' Angry someone who has red and white hair color and has the symbol of the moon and 5 stars in the red color section.

Someone with red and white hair laughed out loud when he saw his other friend was fighting.

'Come on guys, we all want to get there' Said someone with red and white hair again.

'It's easy for you to say Indon, but we're still at the bottom!!!'Angry someone who has red, white, blue hair and has a yellow 16-patterned moon and star.

Someone with red and white hair looks like he wants to stare at his other friend while someone with red, white, blue hair and has a yellow moon and 16 stars still angry at someone with that red and white hair.

*A few minutes later*

'Hurry up Singapore, you're almost there!!'Said the four of them who had reached the top.

After that the four of them started pulling Singapore's hand to the top with them.

ONE.... TWO.... THERE.... HYAGH!!!!

Say they are four at once and they are four then pull Singapore up. And finally Singapore managed to be on top with 4 his other friends.


The five of them screamed after Singapore managed to cross the peak and meant that the five of them had managed to reach the top of the hill together.

'Finally we have succeeded!!'Said someone who has red and white hair that is Indonesia while lying there.

'Yeah... 'Said someone with red, white, blue hair and has a yellow moon and 16 stars that is Malaysia.

'Maybe next time we try to climb the mountain too?'Said someone who has yellow, white and black hair and has a strange pattern of red that is Brunei Darussalam.

'That's fine too!!'Say someone who has blue, red, and white hair colors and has a yellow symbol that looks like the sun and 3 stars that is Philippines.

'Quick taking picture, later Mr. ASEAN is looking for five of us!'Angry someone who has red and white hair color and has the symbol of the moon and 5 stars in the red color section which is Singapore.

Hibiscus symbol (Countryhumans Nusantara [Asean] X Male Reader {With Oc} ) Where stories live. Discover now