Chapter 11

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Amba's pov
Once Alberto had come back we all sat on the roof to look up at the stars "so you'd do this every night?" Luca asked "yea always would and if I ever saw a shooting star I'd close my eyes and make the same wish" I say softly with a smile. I see that this peaks their interest "what did you wish for?" Alberto asked and I blushed a little bit "to be with you 2" I say and they both smiles "guess wishes do come true then" luca said kissing my cheek. I am so gonna miss them but I feel like I'd have something else to worry about while their gone "I swear we are gonna call every day and write as much as possible" Alberto says "just please promise you won't drive Giulia insane" I say with a little giggle. They themselves chuckled lightly "we promise" luca says and unfortunately It was soon time to head inside for be which I had to set up to make enough room for all 3 of us to be comfortable. Again I was in between to boys with both of them having arms around me "I'm gonna miss you guys" I say softly "we're gonna miss you too but don't worry we'll be back together before you know it" Alberto says and again I feel sleep take over me. When the next morning came we were all awoken by nocking at the door "sorry to do this guys but it's time to go" Giulia's voice says and we all sigh "well guess we better get up" luca says and we all head to the station. I had small tears rolling down my cheeks "hey love now don't cry, we will be back" Alberto says and finally I pull out the two bracelets I made with the shells I found "I made these for you guys a while back but things got a little crazy and I didn't get a chance to give them to you" I say as I help each of them put them on. They had smiles on their faces "their beautiful Amba" Alberto says and we all hugged eachother then they went on the train which I ran after and jumped into the rain "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" I yelled just as they go out of sight. I knew in my heart that they'd come back to me eventually "come now dear, let's get back home" Massio says and I followed him. He had agreed to let me stay in Alberto's room which I was so incredibly grateful for as at least I had something to see till the guys beautiful faces are in front of me again. As the next week went by I always talked to the guys over the phone at lunch which was amazing and thankfully Alberto was settling in to school well and had even blended in with luca and Giulia's friends. I felt a slight ping of jealousy but was able to hide that well but what I couldn't hide was that I was feeling a little bit sick almost every morning, I thought I may just be the flu but Massio convinced me to go to a doctor. Luckily Portorosso had both a sea monster and a human as doctors "Okay deary what seems to be the problem?" The lady asked "well I've been feeling pretty sick every morning lately and I've been craving wired foods" I state. She nodded and did a few test's but one question was definitely an odd one "do you have mates?" She asked since she was the sea monster doctor "yea actually 2 of them but their in genova for school why?" I asked. She takes a deep breath "you may wanna pay them a visit since it looks like their going be fathers" she says and I almost fainted as she said that "your saying I'm pregnant?!" I say in shock "yea and since you have two mates it's likely that you'll have twins" she says, okay now I have no idea how I'm gonna explain this to luca and Alberto.

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