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* ⤕ *  is the cue for the song if anyone wanted to listen to it while they were reading :)

Her heart was a battering thunder storm in her body as Billie clamoured backwards, tripping over the floor in a panic with a hand over her chest, feeling her pulse raging beneath her palm.

It's happening again. Oh god, it's happening again.

Her back crashed into stone and the coolness of it's surface jolted her senses alive.

Billie scrunched her eyes shut, waiting for the agony to attack her and drag her back .

But it didn't come.

She peeled her eyes open slowly, almost more terrified now than she had been before. She was alive. How was this possible?

Bonnie breathed out a breathy laugh, her posture sagging both out of relief and exhaustion. "You're gonna be okay, Billie."

Slowly, as though any second, the universe would throw her back down and yell out 'hah! just kidding', Billie stood to her feet. 

"It worked."

A hacking cough jolted through the anchor once again and Billie reached out to catch her before she could fall. The sound was grating and horrific, even more so when Billie knew it was coming from someone she loved.

"You're gonna be alright, baby, you're strong."

Almost as soon as the words left her lips, Billie's vision was attacked with blackness, despite her eyes being wide open.



She's dying.

The fit passed and Billie rubbed her eyes in confusion, looking over to Bonnie who had picked herself up and was walking to the desolate road a little ways away from everyone. She was going to see it through, that much was clear. Even at the cost of her own life.

Billie swayed a little on her feet, still surprised by the clearness of her clairvoyance and the shock of it's sudden return after so long away from it.

She walked toward Bonnie, about to call out to her when a familiar figure materialised out of thin air right beside her

"Oh my god, Alaric?"

His snapped up immediately at the sound of his name. "Holy shit..." It was such a quiet mutter that Billie was surprised she could hear it from where she was standing.

A warm smile spread over her cheeks. "Long time, Ali Cat." A breathy scoff escaped him as he finally started moving toward her. "Please, never call me that again."

He was quick to wrap her up in a warm hug, his much higher stature leaving his chin to rest on her head. They pulled apart and she punched him playfully in the shoulder. "Heard about the tragic death... condolences."

"Yeah, touchè Billie." He laughed out quietly, getting distracted by Elena calling his name. Alaric cleared his throat to muster up the words, squeezing her shoulder affectionately. "Hey... it's really good to see you again."

She nodded with averted eyes, a little guilty now that she'd originally not intended on coming back at all, waving softly as he left to go reunite with Elena and Caroline. It was kind of funny seeing him again, especially as the last time they'd spoken, he'd turned into a homicidal maniac and stabbed her while she'd broken a piping coffee pot over his head. 

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