The paintbrush (betty x ink) [part 1]

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Betty POV
       It was midnight when I got home, I was tired of all the weird shenanigans Error and Ink had. They are always fighting for strange reasons, like for example. "Who is getting the last slice of pizza?", like that kind stuff. It's always annoying, but as I opened the door to my house, I just saw Ink standing there in front of the door way. Idk what he was doing but the thing that I was concerned most about is how did he get in my house?

I asked with a angry tone "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE INK?!?!" A millisecond went past and he grabbed my arm and decided to throw me to the floor, i shouted "THE HELL INK?!?!" But when I said that he tapped my mouth with tapped he pulled out from his back pocket. "Why did you steal my paintbrush-?" He said while looking deep into my eyes, "MMMMMMM!!!" I tried to say "what are you talking about?!?!" But I forgot I was tapped (with tape that had paint on). 

I got up of a huge bump on my head since I fell head first onto the ground, as i did ink just SHOVED me back to the floor but this time it was not head first, it was butt first. And I thought to myself 'well, I'm totally going to feel that in the morning' (and spoilers
IT DID). I looked up and saw ink staring at me right into my soul. Still I have no clue of what so ever is going on.

    I looked at her dead in the eye to see if she would answer my question. I asked again "why did you steal my paintbrush?", she didn't respond so I thought to myself 'what if I show her where she took my paintbrush'. And that's exactly what I did, I grabbed her by the arm and taking her to her room and pointed at the Huge paintbrush on the bed.

I asked her "is this my brush?". After I said that she blushed a little bit, I was shocked and noticed i blushed as well. But I looked away and calmed myself, I looked back at her and she was still slightly blushing, I decided to take off the tape so she could answer me.

I asked again "is that my brush?" I said as I pointed at the brush on the bed. She shook her head, I knew she was lying she had to be.

Betty POV
Ink gave me a 'I know you are lying' face, AND IT WAS THE TRUTH! I had took it because error dared me to steal from him, I felt kinda bad at first but eh- what if's?

All though, I did have a crush on ink for quite a while now...I don't wanna go into detail's but I liked him from the very beginning of our friendship, but I don't think it would be a love at first sight. Maybe a crush at first sight but not love.
He asked again at me "did you steal or borrow my brush?!?!" He said with a little giggle at the end. I looked down and said "it was dare error gave me"

I looked up and he gave the paintbrush a look saying 'you will regret doing that error'. I asked "is everything alright there ink?.." he looked at me and said "everything is fine..". And I knew this was not going to end well-

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