High School Reunion | Jason Todd

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A/N: Honestly, I haven't been writing these days. And when I do, I just can't seem to finish it. This have been sitting in my draft for awhile.

Pairing(s): Jason Todd/Red Hood x female!reader

Warning(s): None


"Oh my God, is that Kalie?" y/n widened her eyes at the sight of the most popular girl back in her good 'ole high school days. When a group of woman took notice of her, they all squealed in delight and began conversing about what they've been doing for the past how many years.

Jason shifted his attention from the flute of champagne he was holding to his date's line of sight. A group of women standing near the stage were all talking happily, clearly glad to be able to catch up with old friends from high school. One particular woman looked familiar to him. She was tall, had dark brown hair, tan skin, and wore clothes and jewelries that expressed her wealth.

It took Jason awhile to figure her out, but it finally came to him like lightbulb turning on in his head. "Wait, that Kalie? The same one that you had a fight with on junior year?"

y/n gulped and nodded. "Yup."

"The same Kalie that had to go to the E.R?"

"Yes, Jason. As far as I can remember, there's only one Kalie Woodson in our year."

Kalie Woodson was the typical popular girl in school. She had the money, the looks, and the mean personality. y/n remembered how she was always the target of her patronizing, especially whenever Jason wasn't around. Kalie would tease her about everything, ranging from her looks to her parents' careers. One of those confrontations went bad fast when y/n was waiting for Jason by his locker. She said something along the line of "Jason shouldn't be friends with you" and whatever else that she said to her that day—y/n couldn't recalled—and the next thing she knows, her hand made contact to her face. It took two teachers, Kalie's then boyfriend, and Jason himself to separate the two of them.

"You okay?" Jason asked, his hand on the lower side of his date's back.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I just...I'm just thinking of our exit strategy," y/n admitted.

Jason chuckled beside her and y/n could feel her nerves calming down just a little. It wasn't that y/n was scared of Kalie or was still hung up over the whole bullying situation. She just felt guilty over it—even if it did bring her a sense of twisted satisfaction when Kalie showed up to school with a bandaged nose. Kalie was a shitty person back then, but y/n didn't think that it warrant her a trip to the hospital.

"You wanna get out of here?" Jason moved to her line of sight, an attempt to distract her.

"You're just looking for an excuse to leave." y/n squinted her eyes. "I know you despised any type of social events."

"You know me so well, but really, do you want to?"

"No, I'm fine. I don't want this to ruin—oh God, she's coming here."

Her slightly calm behavior turned into panic, and her mind immediately went into vigilante mode. Her eyes flew from exit to exit, calculating the success rate of her escape. Given how she was dressed—a floor length dress and high heels—and the amount of people in the gymnasium, her escape would probably be unsuccessful. y/n decided to swallow down her fear and put on her big girl vigilante pants, and faced the situation head on.

"y/n, hi. It's me, Kalie." Her silky sweet tone greeted her. "I don't know if you remember me."

"Hey, Kalie." y/n cursed herself mentally when her voice cracked. "It's been awhile."

"It is." She smiled. "Jason."

Jason didn't acknowledge her greeting instead his usual scowl was on display, still standing in front of y/n like a protective shield from an unknown threat. Kalie noticed his non-talkative behavior and decided to move her attention back towards y/n.

"Do you mind if we talk? In private?" Kalie asked.

"Uhh...sure. Yeah, of course."

When Jason didn't move from his spot, y/n had to squeeze his left hand. It was their own secret way of reassuring each other, a gesture they created when Gotham city only knew them as batgirl and robin. He turned around, silently asking if she was sure. She nodded and smiled, urging him to stand on a quiet corner where he could still keep an eye on her. He begrudgingly walked away and finally she was face to face with the woman that made high school unbearable for her.

"I had a feeling you two would end up together," Kalie commented. "It seems right, especially since you were always so close."

y/n was taken aback by her words. "Uhh...thanks, I guess. So, what do you want to talk about?"

The woman in front of her took a deep breath, as if preparing to let out the biggest secret she ever kept. Kalie took ahold of her hands and looked at her with so much sincerity one person could mustered. It was very odd for y/n to see her like that. It felt like she stepped into an alternate universe.

"I'm sorry for all the things that I did to you back in high school. I don't know what teenage me was thinking about back then, but it was still horrible what I did to you. My son, Logan, is bullied at school and it made me think about all the people that I did that to. You don't have to forgive me. I know you probably won't, but I just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart, that I'm so so sorry," Kalie finished.

y/n blinked. "Wow, give me a moment to process all that."

Out of all the things that y/n predicted would happened at her high school reunion, getting an apology from her bully was not one of them. If she had to be honest, it weirded her out how much Kalie has changed. Her voice lacked its condescending tone and hurtful words, and instead it was replaced with a kind voice and sincere words.

"Look," she started. "You were right when you said you've done terrible things. Going to a fancy rich school when you're not a high society was already hard enough without a bully. But, at the same time, I've been through so many more difficult things after that and honestly, it would be stupid of me to keep a grudge at something that happened years ago."

"I don't think I even deserve your forgiveness, but thank you."

"Plus, I did punch you so hard you ended up in the hospital," y/n added.

Both women laughed.

"So, I guess this means we're okay?"

"Of course, Kalie. Just promise me one thing."

Kalie nodded. "Anything."

"Just make sure you try to do this with everyone you hurt. I'm sure it would make their night."

The two women exchanged their goodbyes and y/n watched Kalie walked back to her partner. She laughed to herself, amused by the situation that just happened. It was always nice to witness someone had a change of heart like that. Working as a vigilante and fighting all the scums of the earth sometimes made her see the world in a bad light. y/n was glad that not all people were corrupted.

"So, I take it everything went well?" A hand appeared at the small side of her back.

y/n turned around and smiled at Jason. "Oh, please, as if you weren't lip reading the whole thing."

"Fine, you got me." Jason jokingly raised his hands in surrender. "How do you do it?"

"What can I say, I'm exceptionally gifted with reading a certain red helmeted vigilante." she wiggled her left ring finger. "That's why you put a ring on this finger."

Jason took ahold of her hand and kissed it. "Yeah, among other things."

y/n arched her eyebrow. "Oh, do tell, Mister Todd."

"I could, but right now I just want to dance with my badass wife."


Me: *making a jason todd one shot book
Also me: *upload one work and then forget about it

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