why do people love to treat me like shit

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                               I don't even know what's wrong with me anymore..............


"You crying?" I asked him softly as I sniffled. My nose must've turned red by the amount of times I sniffled.

He chuckled before answering, "That's what I have done all my life, but I usually do it alone"

"What happened today? I mean you can tell if you want to..."

" My mother, she was in coma for 4 years and today.....she passed away." 

"W-what? happened? why was she in coma"

"why do you expect me to tell you that? we just met recently"

Arrogant punk, I have known him for  years. 

"I told a bit about myself now tell me about you" he asked as I cleared my throat.

"I uhh....I don't have siblings and....I have been alone all my life.....Uhhm I-I used to live with my f-father"

"What happened to him?"

"Appa don't leave me!"

"He won't harm you anymore Yujin" the nurse assured me but I began to panic.

"Where is he?!?! Apaaa" I screamed on top of my lungs.

"He.... is in jail" I spoke out. 

"Jail? why?"

"He was charged for mentally and physically abusing his child" I said wiping my tears.

There was a moment of silence as I sobbed. "You going to come outside?" he asked. 

"Turn your face the other direction" 


"Yeah done"

I opened the door and slowly peeped out to make sure if he was turning around. I slowly walked out. 

"Are you..."

He turned around all of a sudden, his face now inches close to mine. Our foreheads almost touching. He was bending low to my level, he was cut off in his mid sentence as he stared into my pupils. His pupils moved the direction mine did. My breath was uneven by how unbelievably close he was.

I took in a long shaky breath as I saw his eyes trail of my entire face. It finally landed on my lips. My heart skipped a beat as I caught him staring at my lips. The butterflies in my stomach went wild when his hot breath touched my face. 

I involuntarily shut my eyes as I felt his lips come close to mine. Both of our lips barely touching. We inhaled each other's breaths. He gently placed his lower lip in between both of mine. He must his eyes as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. 

I am going insane, my mind was flying to cloud nine. His hand trailed up my hips all of a sudden as I shot my eyes open and pushed him gently. He came back to his senses, he opened his eyes in realisation.

"Oh...I Uhh I am sorry. I think...uhh" I was out of words.

"You are a good kisser" he said with his bunny smile as I laughed loudly. He knows exactly how to make an extremely awkward situation non awkward. 

"Yeah....Thanks for the compliment" I said laughing in between.

"So... you aren't going for the funeral?" I asked him as his face dropped down. 

"Why would show sympathy to someone who made me like this?" He said grabbing his jacket from my couch. 

"I'll be heading out now and don't forget ok? tomorrow is a weekend. You promised me"

"The compensation" I whispered to myself.

"Yes exactly" he said as he closed the door behind him. 


== next day ==

I forced my eyes open. I looked around my room and laid in bed for some minutes staring at the ceiling. I am too exhausted to get up from bed because I have no energy. I took all my effort to get up and sit straight. 

I checked my phone for the time, wait what the fuck, 11:15? I slept till 11:15? ahhhh I am tired of my stupid ass. Wait, don't I have the date with Jungkook today I mean compens-- fuck off it's a date.


I just a wore a casual outfit. 

Afterall it's a date just for me

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Afterall it's a date just for me. I was ready to leave the house when I heard my stomach make a loud noise. I am hungry, should I eat?

"You eat, you loose"

"Just one cookie" I said to myself. "I am hungry, Just one is all I ask"

"Fine but no more than one"

I walked towards the pack of oreos placed in the kitchen. I opened the pack and took out one cookie. I brought one cookie close to my mouth. 

"Check how much calories it contains"

I quickly took a look at the amount of calories on cookie contained. "It's just 53 out of 2000. I can eat it" I put it in my mouth as I shut my eyes tightly. I bit it into crumbs as my heart was beating faster. 

"Looser, you don't have any control"

I am sorry! I am just hungry. 

"Well you are hungry all the time"

Before I gulped the cookie I quickly went towards the sink and spit it out. 

"Good, you went one week without eating once, what's a huge deal in 24 hours"

Stop it!!!!
I was waiting for Jungkook in a bus stop.

"Heyyy aren't you the one?"

I heard a someone say making me turn back to look at her.

"She is the one" the lady said to her friend
"Who?" Her friend asked in confusion.

"The one who tried to puke her food out yesterday. You know the girl I told you about, I heard her when I was in the restroom fixing my makeup"

My heart stopped as she said that.
" Ohh so you are the pathetic bitch who did that"

"Why? are you scared that we might tell people how pathetic you are?"

"Please don't" I told her as tears collected in my eyes. My life will get destroyed, it already is, if people know about it.

They both looked at each other for a moment.

"On one condition"
"What is it"
"Leave jungkook alone. Yeah you heard it right, we see how close you both are. Just withdraw from the talent search and shut him out. If possible Taehyung too"

"Not if possible leave them both alone. Or else you know what happens" her friend said with a smirk.

" How do I trust you?" I asked back.
" Trust us if you want to" the girl said as she took her phone out to show me the clip she took in the bathroom.

" We see you anywhere close to them....this clip is getting uploaded to the social media"

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