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𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚.


                   James' first Quidditch game of the year was upon them and of course Manon found herself in the stands, front row with a large banner as she yelled his name

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         James' first Quidditch game of the year was upon them and of course Manon found herself in the stands, front row with a large banner as she yelled his name. "Jamie!" She shouted with a crack in her voice when he slammed the quaffle through a hoop, a proud grin on his face when he heard her voice. The girl waved at him as he flew past her and turned to her side where Marlene was, holding up her middle finger towards Regulus Black who had briefly caught her eyes. "Stop it" Manon snapped, pulling the blonde girls hand down and watching Regulus fly off.

           "We're here!" Yelled Sirius as he pushed through the crowds, red paint smothered over his face as well as a large goofy grin. "About time!" Marlene barked, shoving him out of the way so she could reach Lily who was clinging to Remus for dear life. "There's too many people this is utterly ridiculous" The girl spoke quietly making the group move closer so she would repeat it. "There's too many people!" She shouted making them all nod in agreement. "Hey gorgeous" Remus said as he captured Manon in his long arms, dipping down for a quick kiss. "Hello my beautiful girl" Sirius cooed, pushing Remus away so he could tackle the girl in a warm hug.

                Chuckling at his antics, Manon kissed Sirius on the cheek and ran a hand through his soft hair. "Why are you not playing sweetheart?" She questioned, pulling away from the hug and tugging a scarf around his neck. "Sore arse from last night" The boy replied with a dog like bark of laughter whilst winking at Remus who rolled his eyes and properly answered Manon. "He's broke his baby toe.. idiot" He shook his head. How the hell Manon hadn't already found out her own boyfriend had broken his toe she didn't know but proceeded to coo and kiss his face anyway. "How did that happen honey?" She asked quietly.

          Sirius held back a smirk at the coddling he received and put a small frown on his face. "Stubbed it off a chair.. I was trying to help someone with their work as well.. was just wanting to be nice" He whined, letting out a tired sigh afterwards as she wrapped her arms around him. "Poor baby" She said softly. "What's happening here then?" Frank asked as he and Alice joined the group. "Siri broke his toe" Manon spoke for the boy who had his face buried in her neck, nipping at it gently sending shivers down her spine. "Did he fuck-" "GRYFFINDOR WINS!" A voice cut Marlene off and suddenly everyone in the stands were on their feet, screaming at the top of their lungs for the team in red that flew next to each other into a huddle and waved around.

        "Yes!" The group yelled in unison, Manon in particular screeching as loud as she could to get James' attention which she got when he pulled away from a hug with a team mate and blew her a kiss.

             When the hustle after the game was finally over, Sirius, Remus and Manon had managed to drag James away and up to the dorm room to 'treat him'. "Hurry up!" "Shush will you?" "Ive never done this before" "You'll be fine love". Manon was anxiously biting her fingernails as she watched James lay onto his front, face pressed into a large pillow. "Come one then!" Sirius cheered, holding a hand out for the girl who sighed and hopped onto the bed, standing beside him as her feet sunk into the soft bedding. "You always do this?" She questioned the three boys who nodded. "Every night after a game baby" James told her before patting his naked back.

       "Fine" She sighed and took Sirius' arm to help her as she firmly stood at the bottom of James' back, eyes widening slightly at the loud moan that came from him. "Fuck.. feels so good" The boy said into the pillow however it came out muffled making Manon laugh slightly and with Sirius' help, begin to walk herself up James' back. "You done well tonight James" Remus said as he shuffled around the room, cleaning it up from the bundles of unclean clothes and work books. He received a mumble in response earning a round of chuckles from the other three. "Can I stop now?" Manon whined as her feet met the bottom of his back.

      It was twenty minutes later when she was able to take herself of James' back and watch him flop around like a fish out of water for a minute before dropping onto his back and staring at her intently. "You weigh nothing" He chuckled, feeling his once tense muscles relaxed and more flexible. Snorting a laugh, Manon couldn't help but to thrown herself at James and lay across his chest. "Join us" She said waving Remus and Sirius over. Both boys jumped at the opportunity and landed on the bed. "This is nice" Whispered Remus who had lay behind Manon and wrapped an arm over her waist. "Isn't it?" She replied, trailing her fingers up his arm and resting her head on James' chest. "We should fuck" "Sirius!"



sorry this is so short
writers block smacked me in the face

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