Zarry- Unaccepting

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Zayn's POV-

I looked over at my amazing boyfriend Harry one last time before he opened the door to his house in Holmes Chapel. We went in and were hugged by Anne. "Ello mum! I've misse you!" Harry said before hugging her again. "It's nice to see you again Anne" I told her.

"You too Zayn. So where are the other boys?" "It's just us this time mum." "Oh. Well come sit down lunch is almost ready." She told us and we all made out was to the kitchen.

A few minutes later Anne came to the table with some chicken. She gave us some and sat down across from Harry.

"So, what brings you boys over here randomly?" Oh god. Here it goes.

"Well, um, Mum, I came to tell you, that, I, I'm gay." Harry sorta said.

"Ew." She stated blankly. Which I could tell really hurt Harry. "Wait? You're dating... Him?" She looked at me with a bad expression of dissapprovial.

"Yes, I am. And I've loved every second of it." Harry told her.

"Why couldn't you have chosen a cute guy, Like Niall, Or Louis? Or maybe even a girl? That 19 year old girl down the street fancies you! Why not her?" Anne asked which really hurt.

"Because I love Zayn. I always will weather you like it or not." Harry spat at her before standing up, pulling me up with him, wrapping his arm around me and tugging us out the door. I burst into tears and he had some streaming down his face too.

We hugged for a minute trying to stop crying which we did when another car pulled into the driveway.

Then a young girl got out and ran to us, pulling harry into a hug. "What's wrong Harry?" She asked caressing his face.

"It's mum Gemma,"

"Is she alright?" She asked worriedly looking at me.

"She's fine. She just hurt my feelings. Really bad. Along with Zayns." Harry told his older sister. "Tell me what happened." She demanded.

"Okay. Just please don't freak out." He pleaded to her. "I promise Harry."

"Well, I told mum I was gay." She gasped. "Then she started to insult me with things like I shouldn't be gay, and I should've been with somebody hotter like Louis or Niall. That I should date the girl from down the road and that Zayns not good enough." He cried into her chest. He noticed I was still crying and came and hugged me.

"I think you two are adorable!" She said. At least one of them accepts us. "When do you guys have to leave for London?" She asked us.

"Our plane leaves at 3 pm tomorrow." Harry told her. You guys can stay the night with me and I'll talk to mum. You guys head over there." She handed Harry a house key before running inside. I silently got into the passenger seat and Harry the drivers.

I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. I leant against the door and remained silent. Harry got in and looked at me. "Zayn, I don't care what anyone says. I will always love you and wouldn't dream of leaving you for anyone or anything"

I turned to look at him and puckered my lips not bothering to lean torward him at all. He jumped from his seat into the extra room on mine and smashed his lips into mine. I put my legs on the floor and he put one of his legs on each side of my lap and sat his bum on my lap. I placed my arms around his lower back pulling him closer. He put his hands on the back of my head. I pulled back and Harry tried to start again. "No Harry" he stopped immeatiatly. "What's wrong baby?" "We can't do this here." "Yeah you're right." He said sadly. He pecked my lips once more before he climbed back into the drivers seat and backing out Of the driveway careful not to hit gemmas car.

We drove in silence and ended up at Gemmas flat. We went in and entered the guest room. We quietly got undressed and into sweatpants and tee shirts. We sat on the couch and watched tv. Harry was against the armrest and I was inbetween his legs, with his arms wrapped around me. "I love you so much Harry" I said looking up he looked at me smiling "I love you too Zaynie, more then anything." I turned around so I could kiss him properly. We kissed for like 20 seconds before Gemma walked in "NO SEX ON MY COUCH!" I blushed like mad and pulled away.

-a few random hours later-

Gemma made dinner and we ate. At the dinner table Gemma stared to talk about Anne. "She was just upset, I think. She wants to see you guys again tomorrow if you want to see her. I think you should go at 1 so if something bad happens you can use the plane ride as an excuse to leave." "Okay" I mumbled feeling sad again just thinking of her again.

I've always been concerned with my looks and always thought I was pretty good looking. Guess not.

We all started getting ready for bed later. I grabbed a new set of clothes and changed in the bathroom.


Harry's POV-

I was BEYOND PISSED at my mom. I don't care that she didn't support gays. It was the fact that she personally attacked Zayn. When changing for the past two times he changed in the bathroom. And I think he's wearing make up now! I hate her so much. Zayn woke up and got up and kissed my face as I was standing at out luggage. He grabbed his jeans as button up shirt and walked toward the door not saying a word.

I pulled him back kissed him hard and threw him on the bed. I stated next to him. "Zayn you are absolutely beautiful. You don't have any reason to hide your body from me. You don't Zayn. Not a single reason to be the slightest but insecure. I love you so much Zaynie" I said and looked him dead in the eyes. "I love you too Harry so so much!" He cried grabbing onto my neck and sobbing into my shoulder. "Zayn we don't have to go back to my mums place. I can take you out today if you'd like" he nodded and the got dressed infront of me.

Even if my mum didn't support us, we'll be alright.

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