Ziall- I Love You, Leprechaun

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Zayn's POV-

We all ran off stage of the concert and Niall did his adorable jump.

Yeah, Adorable.

I am gay. And into Niall, but I'm not jut into him.

I'm in love with him.

He would never love me back even if he were gay.

But I am forced to love him anyway. It's everything about him.

His eyes that I always want to stare into

His body that I want to make love to

His humor that makes him laugh at everything

His laugh that sounds like gold

His lips that I want to kiss all day long

His voice that is so angelic

His hair that I want to run my fingers through

His smile that lights up the whole world

His everything! He is absolutely amazing.

He turned and saw I was staring. I turned my head quickly and blushed. I hurried into my dressing room and the other boys went into theirs. I laid down on the couch against the wall and imagined what it'd be like to hold that Irish angel in my arms. I leaned my head the wall and heard a muffled sob. I got out of my room and burst into the room next to mine and saw a red shirt with blonde hair facing the wall, curled up and crying. I pulled him into my arms and sat him on his couch. He didn't say anything he just sat there crying. MY POOR BABY!!! I swear whoever did this to him, will pay.

I got him a soda and some sour patch kids and sat down next to him before cradling him on my arms.

He stopped crying and looked at me. "Do you want to tell me what happened Niall?" He shook his head and cuddled into me. I just held him close.

After a few minutes I reached to my side and handed him the sour patch kids. He just shook his head. "Why not, you love sour patch kids" "they'll make me even fatter, I can't eat anything anymore." "NIALL HORAN!!! You are not fat! You are beautiful! Who ever told you that you're fat is on crack! You are absolutely amazing! I love you so much!" I hugged him. "If you start starving yourself, I will kill you" I whispered. He just giggled. I kissed his head and handed him the candy. He took it hesitantly and ate it.

Niall's POV-

"NIALL HORAN!!! You are not fat! You are beautiful! Who ever told you that you are fat is on crack! You are absolutely amazing! I love you so much!" Zayn told me. He said he loves me! But I'm sure he means as a friend I am not good enough for Zayn. "If you start starving yourself, I will kill you" he added on and then cuddled me. After a few minutes, he nudged the sour patch kids at me. I reluctantly took them and ate them. He smiled at me. I love his smile.

I love him.


"Nothing." I guess I said that out loud.

"Niall James Horan! Do not lie to me! You just said 'I love him'! You're gay and you're in love!" Zayn yelled me getting up. Tears welled in my eyes. He's leaving me because I'm gay

Zayn's POV-

I stood up and turned around to pick up Niall but he was crying again.

"No, no, Ni! Being gay isn't something to be embarrassed about!" I said hugging him. "I-I had thought- thought t-that you left because I am gay." "No! No! Never Ni! I was getting up to get some food from the table over there!" I said hugging him. He calmed down soon and I let him go.

I leans back. "Sooooooooo, who's the lucky guy?" I asked nudging him.

"Nobody." "Is it someone I know?" He nodded. "Do I see him often?" "Every couple minutes! He laughed.

"Is it one of the lads?" He was silent but after a few good seconds, he let his head droop while nodding. "Is it me?" I asked. He sat there I just stared at him. I saw a tear land on his lap. I lifted his head up to look at me so I could ask

"Is it me?" I asked again. This time he simply nodded and tears brimmed his eyes. But I attacked him as happy as can be and smashed my lips to his. I felt his lips move in sync with mine and I pulled away breathless. "I love you, leprechaun"

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