Chapter o4

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-next day at 'S'-

Everyone was nervous today, nobody could drive with their cars to 'S', instead they had to walk. "What du You think is Adam up to?" Joe asks Cherry,  Cherry put on his mask. "I don't know, but Snow has to be careful." Cherry wasn't all right today, in the morning he wanted to lay in bed, but Joe know Cherry... he's always up early and not one minute later. Clara had to help him wake  Cherry up.
"Mommy, do you think Adam will hurt Langa badly?" Miya didn't gave up, instead he annoyed Cherry now and everytime Miya wants to talk to Cherry he says Mommy or mom. Cherry always wants to throw this kid far away. "Don't be like that.. be happy that someone is looking up to you." Joe smiled. "I'm not a mom just because I prefer man. Why do I have to be the mom and not you?" Cherry mumbled. "Because I have muscle and you have long pink hair." Joe grinned. "I hate you, you dumb gorilla." Cherry said.
Afterthought walk they saw it. "Oh no, Langa you don't do that." Cherry turned to the blue haired. "This was he fist 'S' Road ever... it's too dangerous so we decided to close it and take the other one." Joe explained, because Cherry was too shocked. "Where's Adam?" Langa asked. Reki was standing right besides Langa and watching him closely. "Maybe he's one the start line." Miya suggested. "Yeah, I make my way to him." Langa shrugged. "W-wait- I come with you." Cherry holds Langa on his shoulder and went on his board. "Let's go" Langa said and drive first. "I should go with him." Joe talked more to himself.

When they arrived Adam was waiting. "You brought your friends, lovely." Smiled Adam.  Cherry was speechless, Adam doesn't look like Adam art all. "Adam, I know you find me boring and all that stuff but please listen to me one more time." Cherry said.
"If you hurt Langa, or even worse kill him in anyway.... I will come after you." Cherry threatens. "My poor Cherry Blossom is worried about Snow, don't be. Killing him wouldn't be fun anyways." Adam was smiling all the time.
"Come on Kaoru, we have to go to the end-line." Joe whispers.  They turned around and leave them alone, waiting for the race to Beginn.

"Are you worried about Snow?" Joe asked when teh where on the end-line. "I´m just worried about what will happen." Cherry was fully focused on the screen now, he didnt want to miss one thing.
The race began, Adam was first and Langa close to him.
...then it happend. "There... Adam found his Eve.." Cherry mumbled, his hands into fists. "What his happening?" Miya asks. "Hes fully focused now, both of them. Adam and Eve in their own world, nobody there just them alone." Cherrys voice cracked- "How can he- I mean how cn Lanag come back?" Reki asked sadly. "I never was there... I cant tell." Cherry meant. ˋWhy does it have to be Langa.´Cherry thinks.  "Langa needs to come back, when he is like that... he will make mistakes and can die." Cherry explains. "What?! Langa cant die!" Rekis eyes was full with tears now, Cherry understands now, Reki was in love with Adams Eve.... Cherry walked to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Tell him, that you love him before its too late kid." Cherry wasnt looking to him, because he made this mistake....
"Wha- I dont know what you mean."Reki mumbled and turned red. Joe just laughs at Reki and wattched Cherry closely, something is there, something Cherry wont tell him...yet.
"Adam needs to understand." Cherry whispered to himself. This is a race he feared te most. Adam finding his Eve...and its not him. Everything from the past..his teenage time...the time before ´S´ Adam, Joe and him having fun...Adam moving to America...Cherry alone, confused,angry, in love....
"Cherry are you alright? You are crying." Joe said and wipped away the tears, Cherry didnt notice...his mask was wet. "Sure, nothing´s wrong." he mumbled. "Langa is falling!" Reki screamed. Cherry and Joe turned to the screen...hes right and Langa still is not in this world. "I had to tell him before the race..." Reki was now fully crying. "Hey hey hey, Kid, look to me." Cherry turned Reki to him, he shouldnt see him falling. Yes Cherry is mosty acting like he dooesnt care... but that is something he would do for everyone, nobody should see is love dying. Reki was crying into Cherry shirt now,he put his hands around Cherrys waist and Cherry put his Hand on Rekis head. "I didnt tell him, Cherry." Reki repeated. "I didnt tell him that I love him."
Cherry listen and was watchinf at the screen at the same time. Langa cant die, if he would....Reki would follow not killing himself but, he would  just life..having no more fun in skating or living. "Look! Langa´s back!" Miya screamed. Reki turned around and let go of Cherry.
Reki cant believie it, Langas is first... Langa is alive and not dead, Langa can win this race.

Langa won, Langa won agains Adam...Adam the best skater lost agains a beginner... "You did great snow." said Joe and was laughing. "Langa you won!" Reki shouted and hugs him. "I have to tell you something Langa.." Reki said. Cherry couldn´t believie it, Reki wanted to say it here?! "You told him to do it." said Joe besides him.. "Shut up, Gorilla."
"What is Reki? Are you okay? What happend?" Langa asked.
"I- I uhm. I like you, I mean I you know... " Reki whispered and Langa couldnt understand. "What? Reki I cant understand you." Langa said. "I love you Langa." said Reki fast and looked to the ground. Cherry and Joe were watching them. "What do you think about them?" Joe whisoeren into Cherrys ear. "They will come together."

Langa firstly was suprised but then he but his fingers under Rekis chin, so Reki had to look up to Langa.  Reki wanted to say something but before he even could open his mouth.. Langa connected his lips with Rekis. Reki was bright red when Langa ended the kiss. Langa smiled at him and took Rekid hand in his. "Now that everything turned out good..what about some food?" Joe asked.  
Everybody agreed and went to Joes restaurant as always. Cherry and Joe walked behinf the others so they could talk.
"You woud be a great parent you know."Joe said after a while.  "Firstly I dont want children, I prefer men as a partner and I am too busy." Cherry explained. Joe sighted. "Miya loves you, you cared for Reki and well Langa.. I dont knwo about him" Joe said. "This kiddo is joking, he has parents and Reki was crying because Langa was about to die." Cherry doesnt want to talk about it anymore-
"You right, but you cared, and Miya´s patens  dont knw him as much as we do. They thought Miya had fun skating, what he didnt until Reki came. Miya is comfortable around us." Joe explained.  I- Can we talk about something different, the day was hard enough, Kojiro."

The evening was over quickly, Shadow drank too much, Reki and Langa wnet after they ate, Miya fell asleep on Joes shoulder and Cherry was drinking his fifth glass of wine after eating half of his cabonara.  "You know we should bring Miya home." Kojior whispered. "But then his parents wpuld habe many questions about us." said kaoru and looked over to the sleepin person. "He looks like a cat now." Kaoru whispered.  "I take him to my house. Tomorrow he can go home." Kaoru said.

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