Chapter 13

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The sound of the bell to signal the end of class, accompanied by a low but sharp "Hey" snapped Abby back to reality. She found herself staring into a pair of green eyes just inches away from her face.

"Lilith, there's something called personal space and right now, you're invading mine"

"Well hello to you too. Is everything okay?" Lilith asked, slouching into her seat.

Abby ignored her and began gathering her books.

"Look I've been nothing but nice to you since the day we met. What's your deal? What's with all the attitude?"

She sighed. "Go away. Leave me alone"

Lilith narrowed her eyes for a second as though she was trying to read her. "I got you something anyway"
She dropped a book on the desk.
Abby looked at the title.

The Power of Self; Humanity and Divinity

"What's this?"

"A pack of candy. Can't you see?"

"Why are you giving me a book?"

"I asked around. I heard you like to read stuff, unconventional stuff, so I figured I could get you to be nice to me by getting you a book. I've got a whole library at home actually"

Abby stood up and began walking towards the door.

"You don't want it? Are you serious?" Lilith said, following her.

"I don't" said Abby.
She followed her to her locker.

"I don't know what I've done to make you dislike me so much. I took time to pick this out for you"

Abby sighed. Some students were starting to stare and she didn't want to be seen as being mean to the new girl. A lot of people did like Lilith.
No idea.

"Fine. If I take it, will you please leave me alone?"

"Scout's honour"

She collected it and walked away.

A small smirk danced around Lilith's lips. She could hear Naamah say 'well done'.


Dry leaves covered the dirt road leading to a large building hidden deep in the forest. It was an hour's drive from the Magnus residence to the temple. Marah needed to speak with the presiding high priest over their sacrifices for the celebrations. She'd found a youngin, cute, sweet and very gullible. Poor thing was passed out on her bed after a night of...exciting activities.

Asulf Åge (or The Master's Wolf as he was fondly called by his members) was a 68 year old, bare-headed, handsome man who was at the helm of affairs of the temple. He took over from his father, Randolf Åge, after he descended.
It was said that Asulf was touched by the master himself and had descended once and returned, something no one ever did. Once in a while he gave descriptions of paradise in his sermons, of the master's beauty and benevolence, of the many pleasures that awaited anyone who descended, wether naturally or by the master's choosing.

"Good evening sister Mara" said the gate keeper.

She flashed him a fake smile and drove into her spot in the parking lot.
Asulf sat outside in a rocking chair, staring into space and puffing on a cigarette.
He smiled when he saw her.

"The shining star of our family. To what do I owe this pleasure?" he said, stretching out his hand for her to kiss the signet ring on his finger before offering her a cigarette.

"You know I don't do cigarettes. I happen to like my lungs. How are you? Having a good day I see" she said.
The Magnus's and the Åge's were distant cousins thus some level of familiarity existed between them.

"I'm perfect my dear. The master has been gracious to me. Can't complain. How are you? And how is your little minx?"

"She's good. Putting in a lot of work for her harvest sacrifice, which is what I've come to talk to you about"

He let out a long sigh.
"Your daughter is going to do great things you know. She will make the master proud. I know it"

If he had said this a week ago, she would be beaming with pride, but after this recent escapade with Naamah, she wasn't so sure if this was something to be happy about.

"Well, I need counsel concerning a sacrifice I stumbled on. He's quite young and I don't know if his age will be an issue, considering my lev-"
"The master will accept your sacrifice Mara. You don't have to worry. Just keep him fed till the harvest"

She nodded and stood up.

"Leaving so soon? I was about to have some food prepared for you. Stay a while, eat. It gets quiet here sometimes. Let me enjoy your company a little longer" he said.

She wanted to decline but there was a stern look hidden behind the smile he wore.
Asulf may have been her cousin but sometimes, he scared her. This stemmed from two things; One, he was the high priest. Two, during the last harvest ceremony, when the congregation engaged in the traditional group coitus, he did some things to her that made the hairs on her neck stand whenever she thought about it.

"Maybe when next I visit. I really do need to keep my sacrifice in good shape. The master deserves quality, no?" she said.

His eye twitched, betraying his annoyance but he maintained his smile.

"Of course"

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