Chapter 22

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"Okay listen up people!
The details of this case are strikingly similar to a case we dealt with a couple of years ago in Copenhagen. It's a periodic ritual killing spree carried out by a satanic cult we've been tracking for a long time. Even the FBI had to step in the last time we encountered a lead and they want in on this case as well. Two of their agents are on their way here as we speak.
I reviewed the security camera detail from the hospital. Everything looked okay except for two people spotted at the exit in a black van. We couldn't get their faces but we were able to spot the number plate of the van and it matched a van that was reported stolen a few weeks ago.
For now our prime suspect is Lilith Magnus, the classmate of the Alberte Valdema, the missing girl. I'm going to speak with her brother now to see if he can give us some more information.
We've gotten a hold of Lilith's address and a warrant to search the house. Detectives Mike and Cross will go over there with a team and get us any form of evidence available. The rest of you track that van. Everybody move!"

As the detectives filed out of the station, two agents walked in, straight to Emil's office.

"Agents Hektor and Alma. Long time no see"

The men exchanged warm hugs and Alma received a handshake.

"Why do we always have to meet up over a crime Emil? We should do lunch sometime" said Hektor.

Hektor and Emil were friends from the police academy and had stayed that way for a long time. Alma, however wasn't very fond of Emil.

"You boys can catch up after we've closed this case. Where's the family?" She said.

"Before you answer that, I need to know the religious orientation of the victim's family. It's important for...approach sakes" said Hektor.

"They're Christians as far as I can tell. They've have been praying since they got here. They're in the interrogation room" said Emil.

"Ugh. Prayers won't solve this, action will" said Alma.

"And that is exactly why I will speak to them alone Alma. You can watch with Emil from the other room and try to be nice" said Hektor.

"What do you mean you'll speak to them alone? We're a team here"

"Well we wouldn't want you bringing your bias on religion to the table and end up upsetting them. You just got back from suspension...again, remember?"

She hissed, walking a few feet away from them on their way to the interrogation room. "You weren't this...tough with her the last time I saw you both. What changed?" Emil asked.

"She's not giving me options really. It's like she grows angrier with the world each day. When I'm tough, that's when she backs down. The Holy Spirit has to help me with her. I'm this close to requesting for a new partner"

"Maybe you should. The family is in here. Here's case file. You got the soft copy, yes?"

"Yes. Thank you"

He whispered a short prayer before entering the room. Emil and Alma stayed on the other side of the glass where they couldn't be seen or heard.

"Hello. I'm Agent Hektor from the FBI. I'm truly sorry for the trauma this has caused you. If you don't mind, I'd like to go over a few details that might help us find Alberte a little faster"

"The FBI is involved? Why?" Anton asked.

"I'm guessing you're Alberte's brother, yes?"

"Yeah, Anton"

"Okay Anton. We have reason to believe the group that this Lilith works with is a satanic cult we've been trying to nail for a few years now and if...when we rescue your sister, we'll be one step closer to taking them down. Have you informed your parents of what's going on?"

"We've been trying to but we can't get through to them" said Mr Villads.

"Okay, well, God is with us on this one. We'll find her, I promise" said Hektor.

"Thank you sir" said Erik.

On the other side of the glass, Alma was not pleased.

"Is he serious right now? You don't make promises to a victim's family, ever. I swear you Christians think you can cross professional lines because your faith says so" she spat.

"That's not true Alma. Calm down. I just got a text from the team searching the suspect's home. They got nothing we can use" said Emil.

"These people have been in operation for a long time, they're methodical, precise and they don't leave clues lying around for the police to find. Instead of us being out there looking for anything to help us save this little girl from being tortured by monsters, Hektor's in there playing church and wasting precious time!"

Emil slapped the file he was holding on a nearby table, startling her.

"Please feel free to point us in the right direction! I get it, you don't belive in God, that's fine. You don't hear me berate you about it, I never have and with your nasty attitude, I couldn't really care less what you belive. One thing I'm sure of, and I know Hektor is too, is that when we're out of options, that's when God steps in, it's never failed us and it won't now. So please keep your personal prejudices aside and be professional. Am I understood?"

Before she could retort, an officer burst into the room with excitement on his face.

"Detective we've got a lead"
"We do? What is it?"

"Mara Magnus, the suspect's mother. She just turned herself in and says she knows where Alberte is"

"Ha! I'll be right there!"

The detective ran off.

"Well...that's...something" said Alma. Emil laughed.

"What did I say? God just stepped in"

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