Chapter 17

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The shrill sound of the alarm to herald the dawn dragged a hiss out of Abby as she reached out to the clock to silence its screaming.

"Just...10 more minutes..."

Yet Anton's footsteps would not let her sleep. She pulled herself up from the bed and made to move to the bathroom only to be brought down by a something on the ground that she'd stumbled into.

"What in the wo.....?"

1000Kr notes lay in a pile...a few feet away from where she'd sat to cast the spell the night before.

"Hey, are you okay in there? I heard you trip" Anton called from outside the door.

She started at the money, dumbfounded.


"I-I'm okay!"


"Yes! Go away!"

She waited till she could no longer hear his footsteps.

"It worked" she whispered.
She counted.

One, two, three, four.....fifteen.....twenty four....


Thirty thousand.

She grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, bursting with excitement.
"There's thirty thousand Kroner looking at me" she said to herself. For the next 10 minutes she just sat on the floor and stared in awe.

She quickly gathered the money and arranged it into an envelope lying on the reading table.
Her thoughts flew back and forth as she made ready for school.

It worked!!!

Kr55 had turned into Kr30,000 overnight!

Imagine what I could do with more spells!

"What are you so happy about?" Frida asked during breakfast.
"Oh nothing mom. It's a good day. Where's dad?"

"He had a meeting so he left a little early. I'll drop you off"

After breakfast, Frida hugged both her children before they raced each other to the car. She watched them with a troubled heart.
Something felt off.


Abby couldn't sit still.
There was no sign of Lilith from first period till recess.
Who was she supposed to share all this excitement with?!
She checked her bag every hour to make sure the money was still there. She still couldn't believe it.
Luckily, Lilith popped up just around time for the free period.
"Hey stranger!" she said, dragging Abby into a suffocating hug that she quickly wiggled out of.

"H-hey! Where've you been? I need to talk to you. Come!"

"Yes ma'am!"

They went into one of the bathroom stalls and shut the door.
"I'm all anxious now. What's going on?" Lilith asked.

"I tried the money spell. It worked!" said Abby. She opened the bag and showed her the cash in an envelope.

"Well well! Congratulations. I told you it'll work" said Lilith with a laugh.

"I still can't believe it! I used Kr55 and found Kr30,000. How's that even possible?"

"You owe me lunch, that's all I know. Better find somewhere to hide that cash before people see it and start asking questions"

"Oh yeah, definitely. I'm going to get lunch at Olaf's. Let's go" said Abby.

"I'm right behind you. I need to pee" said Lilith.
She waited till Abby was out of sight before allowing the smile on her face dissolve into an evil smirk.

"Well, that was easier than I thought"

She heard Naamah speak.

Make sure she spends it on something a little expensive.

"Yes ma'am"

She adjusted her hair and exited the bathroom. Abby was waiting outside the gate with a big smile on her face.

"Tsk. You foolish beautiful thing" Lilith muttered.

P/S: Olaf's was a popular restaurant a few blocks away from the school. They served a mean burger and the place was almost always packed with students during lunch hour.

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