I Have Questions

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"How is this even possible?!" Jason's voice dragged Eliza out of her thoughts. He was pacing around on the deck of the Argo II while she sat on the railing trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

After taking a bad smack from an angry giant, Eliza had discovered she had golden blood - Ichor - the blood of the gods, which meant... somehow... she was a goddess.

Her racing brain finally processed Jason's question. "Well... my mom gave birth to and left me five months early to protect me from Hades. That's how I ended up in foster care."

"But... your dad..."

She shrugged. "Is probably ignoring me for the same reason."

"Fair enough." He finally stopped and crossed his arms. "But that begs the question, who's your dad? I mean, none of the gods are exempt from... you know."

"Doing it?" Eliza finished. "Yeah, I know, but we can definitely rule out Hades."

"What?" Jason teased. "You don't think you could be the daughter of a couple that's actually married."

"No..." Eliza kicked the side of the ship with her heel. "But my mom was trying to protect me from him and... Remember the night I got claimed, I went off on my own to think."

Jason nodded. "Yeah."

"Well," Eliza chewed her lip. "Hades showed up and told me off, said I was a mistake, that I shouldn't exist. Then he just.. disappeared and left me with a curse."

Jason faltered. "He cursed you?"

She took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "He told me Proserpine's fatal flaw is that she craves companionship. That's part of the reason he was given the opportunity to trap her in the underworld. So, he cursed me to be alone for the rest of my life." She blinked back her tears. "That's why I can't make friends. It's probably part of the reason the Romans hate me so much. That's why I'll... never find love." She stared at her lap. "Somehow, you're the only exception. That's why I try so hard to protect you."

Jason tipped her chin so he could look her in the eye. He pulled her into a hug. "I'm not going anywhere." He kept his hand on her shoulders as he pulled away. "I don't care what Hades or his curse says. I don't believe you'll die alone. Any guy would be lucky to have you."

Eliza chuckled. "If they can get through you."

He smirked. "Exactly."

Suddenly, all the clues clicked together in her mind. "Oh my gods."


She met his gaze. "I know who my father is."

"Who? How?"

"Okay." She started. "The night I got claimed. Do you remember exactly how?"

"Of course." He looked a little offended that she'd asked. "It was one of the most eventful things to ever happen at Camp Jupiter. You got a crown of flowers and a glowing purple bloom appeared over your head."

"Are you sure it was a bloom?" Eliza asked frankly.

Jason gave her a confused look.

She sighed. "It had four petals and they were grouped in pairs so it looked more like..."

"A butterfly." Jason remembered.

"The symbol for a soul."

Understanding dawned in Jason's eyes. "The sign of Thanatos."

Eliza nodded. "Just my luck. I'm the daughter of life and Death."

"We're here!" Leo shouted from the helm as he pulled the Argo II into position above a parking lot.

Much to Coach Hedge's joy, they blasted through the pavement to reach the cavern below.

Eliza curled her fingers and a vine wrapped around her waist and tied itself to the ship. "See you down there." She jumped over the side of the ship, using the vine to slow her descent until she landed lightly on the cavern floor. The vine crumbled to dust in her hands.

The others were close behind, climbing down the rope ladder.

Jason stood beside her. "You're a mad woman."

She smirked. "You mean a mad goddess."

He shook his head. "Too weird to think about right now."

"Right." Eliza focused on the giant statue of Athena standing before them. "One thing at a time."

Leo lifted his head, looking from the Athena Parthanos to the Argo II. "It should mostly fit in the stables. We can attach some ropes and..."

"No need." Eliza cracked her knuckles and stepped forward, summoning a network of vines to wrap around the statue and attach to the ship. Lifting her arms, she retracted the vines, dragging the humongous statue up into the Argo II.

Jason and Leo flew up to secure the Parthanos with ropes. Frank followed close behind.

Eliza dropped her arms and a shower of dust rained down from the disintegrated vines. "Alright, let's get out of here."

The cavern shook and a large chunk of ceiling pulled free.

"Hazel!" Eliza lunged forward and desperately threw her arms around the daughter of Pluto.

Rocks rained down, but none of them hit the girls. Eliza opened her arms and dropped them to her sides. A pair of massive black wings unfurled behind her. She shrugged to make them move and they shrank away, as if they'd folded into her back.

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Thanks dad."

"Okay," Percy eyed the ceiling warily. "It's definitely time to leave."

Suddenly, Annabeth fell forward with a cry and slid towards a huge crack in the ground.

"No!" Percy grabbed her hand and grasped at the ground, looking for a handhold.

The two slid over the side of the cliff, but Percy caught a ledge before they could fall.

Nico raced to the precipice and reached down.

Eliza stood there in shock, unable to move. She couldn't believe what was happening.

Without warning, Percy released the cliff and he and Annabeth disappeared into the shadows.

Nico lay frozen on the ledge.

Hazel grabbed him and hoisted him to his feet. "We need to go. The cavern's collapsing." She, Nico, and Eliza made a break for the ladder.

Something cracked overhead and Eliza stopped, looking up. The whole ceiling was ready to cave in. They wouldn't make it to the ladder.

Bracing her feet against the ground, she raised her arms above her head and a tangle of vines burst through the ground, forming a canopy to catch the collapsing ceiling.

Hazel reached the ladder and beckoned Nico up. She turned to do the same for Eliza. "What are you doing?!"

"Go!" Eliza's arms were about to give out. The fight with the giants had drained her. "Now!"

Hazel took a step towards Eliza.

"There's no time!" Eliza dropped to one knee. "Go!!"

Reluctantly, Hazel turned and scaled the rope ladder.

Eliza looked up to see Jason watching the scene from above. "I'm sorry." The ground cracked and gave way beneath her. The Argo II and all her friends disappeared as she plummeted into the darkness.

A One Way Trip (Dancing With Death part 2)Where stories live. Discover now