A Sea of Monsters

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They crested the low hill to reveal an army of monsters marching slowly towards a massive pair of extravagant doors.

"Looks like we found all the monsters." Eliza surveyed the flood of beasts. "We'd better hope that Death Mist works."

"I'm more worried about you." Annabeth stared at the monsters. "You said your aura is to strong to be covered by Death Mist. So, what's gonna happen when we go down there?"

"If we play it right, nothing." Eliza turned to face her companions. "Normally, a goddess' aura is easily distinguishable, but I was raised by humans and half-bloods. It kind of muddied my scent."

Bob nodded his affirmation. "The real problem is that." He nodded to where a titan was ushering a group of cyclops through the doors into what looked like an elevator.

The titan pressed the button and held it for a full twelve minutes before he finally removed his finger from the button and the doors dinged open to reveal an empty chamber.

"He never took his finger off the button." Percy observed. "Someone has to stay behind and hold it."

"I will." Bob immediately volunteered.

"No." Eliza faced him. "You've been stuck underground long enough. I'll stay." 

"You can't." Annabeth blurted. "We need you." She locked eyes with Eliza. "You're the daughter of Proserpine, the Roman version of Persephone, and the daughter of Thanatos, who has no Roman form."

Eliza's eyes widened as she made the connection.

"Eliza," Annabeth finished. "Not only are you the daughter of Life and Death, you're the bridge between Greeks and Romans. You're living proof that we can coexist - that we can work together." She stared at the goddess intently. "We need you up there."

Eliza took a minute to process, surveying each of her companions. Her eyes finally settled on Bob and her chest tightened as she remembered her dream. "I can't." Her voice was barely a whisper as she faced Percy and Annabeth. "I can't go back up."

"What do you mean?" Annabeth eyed her concernedly.

Eliza stared at the ground. "Gaea has a plan to use me." She lifted her gaze from her feet. "I can't let her."

"She won't." Percy stepped closer to Eliza. "We'll figure something out. We always do."

"Percy's right." Bob spoke behind her. "Eliza should go. Bob will stay."

"No." Eliza turned.

"I won't leave you down here." Bob held Little Bob in his big hands, stroking the kitten behind the ears.

Eliza met his gaze. "I won't leave you either."

They stared at each other for a minute before Eliza finally nodded. "Okay." She turned to the others. "Let's go."

"Wait!" Percy interrupted. "What's happening?"

"What's happening," Eliza replied, a bit exasperated. "is we're getting you out of here."

"We?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes." Eliza looked at Bob. "One to hold the button," she faced them. "and one to protect him."

"No!" Percy protested. "It's bad enough someone has to stay behind. I can't leave both of you."

"He's right," Annabeth seconded. "We can't ask you to do that."

"Well, you're not asking." Eliza locked eyes with the daughter of Athena. "I'm telling." She placed a hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "You have the Athena Parthanos. You can unite the camps on your own. I believe in you," she placed her other hand on Percy's shoulder. "all of you. You can defeat Gaea without me."

Annabeth met her gaze. "If this is really happening," she took a deep breath. "then I want to say goodbye before we're surrounded by monsters."

Eliza nodded, her chest tight. "I'll second that."

The girls moved in for a tight hug.

Annabeth squeezed Eliza until she could hardly breathe. "Thank you."

Eliza pulled away. "For what?"

Annabeth met her gaze and smiled. "For helping me when I was a complete stranger to you."

Eliza smiled back at the daughter of Athena, grabbing one more hug before turning to Percy. She sighed. "Well... you learn enough about me?"

Percy chuckled. "I think so."

They stared at each other before Percy broke and wrapped her in a warm embrace. "Take care of yourself."

Eliza couldn't hold back her laughter. "I'll try."

Percy squeezed her shoulder and gave a curt nod. He turned to Bob. "You ready for this, big guy?"

Bob urged Little Bob onto Eliza's shoulder, took a deep breath, and nodded.

Eliza scratched Little Bob behind the ear. "Sure you don't want him with you?"

Bob shook his head. "He will help mask your scent."

A smile tugged at the corners of Eliza's mouth. She shrugged her shoulders, her dark wings splaying out behind her. She met Percy's surprised gaze and smirked. "Gotta look the part."

He stared at the fully-healed, feathered wings. "From your dad?"

Eliza's grin widened. "How'd you guess?"

Percy finally broke his gaze from her wings. "I met him."

Eliza's smile fell, her wings drooping slightly. "You did?"

He nodded. "That was my quest with the Romans - freeing him, so the monsters could be killed."

Eliza took a step back, glancing over her shoulder at her wings. She met Percy's gaze and rushed forward to give him a hug. "Thank you." She pulled back and pushed her red and brown hair behind her ear. "Now, shall we?"

The four of them stood at the precipice, gazing across the sea of monsters.

Annabeth released a long breath. "Here goes nothing."

Percy gripped Riptide. "Here's to hoping we don't die."

Eliza shot him an annoyed look, Little Bob curled around her neck like a scarf. "Way to look on the bright side."

Bob cracked his knuckles nervously. "Let's go." He led the way down the hill.

I'M BACK!!!!
I had a great time camping and now I'm so ready to finish this story. 😁
Hope you guys are enjoying it. I know it's a shorter one. Thanks for the support.

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