Chapter 2: Read You Like a Book

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It was now lunch time and per usual, Marinette was sitting alone in the cafeteria, scrolling through her phone feed. She would usually draw at lunch time but due to people coming over to her and trying to take her designs as she 'stolen' them from Lila, she had to stop. She had just settled for just eating now as she put her phone away. Going on her phone meant seeing tweets from Lila and ALya as well as the Ladyblog which was basically tabloid trash by now.

"I wonder what that note meant," Marinette mumbled to herself as she pondered the thought. She poked around at the meatloaf on her tray as well as rolling the sad looking orange and carton of milk

"Do you think Morgana knows something?" Tikki whispered from the purse.

"I mean she did use my pad, but she's only known everyone for half a day. And I don't know what she likes, so would she know actual facts?" Marinette replied. It was perplexing to say the least. Tikki didn't respond and as Marinette was about to speak again she realised why.

"Hello... Marinette was it?" a small voice said. Marinette turned her head to see Morgana there huddling a book to her chest.

"Uh yes, that's me," Marinette said, trying not to be confused at her presence.

"May I sit here?" she asked.

She had such a bright glimmer in her eyes, she couldn't say no. Marinette just nodded and gestured to the empty place opposite her. While she was welcome to sit, Marinette wasn't sure of her yet. The last thing she wanted was for her to sit next to her and to knock her to the floor. Wow, Lila had really messed up her trust in people.

"So was your first day? The first half anyway?" Marinette asked. Morgana was opening her lunch box and pulled out a small sandwich. She nibbled at it, swallowed and answered.

"It has been good. People have been very nice to me. Lila has been very insistent on me sitting next to her. She's very friendly," Morgana answered and Marinette's eye twitched slightly. Great, another sheep. So much for Morgana writing that note. Maybe Marinette had done that herself when she was tired. Then again, she had barely slept due to stress and hateful texts against her.

"Oh Morgana!" a shrill voice sang. Well, shrill in Marinette's ears anyway. Both girls turned to see Lila, Alya, Nino and Adrien (who was practically and unintentionally glued to Lila) were approaching their table. Dear lord, it embarrassed her at how much she used to love him. Then again was it even love to begin with?

"Oh great," Marinette sighed as they came right up to the table. Practically ignoring Marinette. No surprise there.

"Hello..." Morgana said, her voice shrinking.

"How come you're over with Marinette? You know we've tried to talk to you about her," Lila said sweetly. Yeah, I am right here, Marinette inwardly shouted. Morgana nodded her head rapidly, as if she was being interrogated.

"Oh yes, I-I know that. I just wanted to start with people from the back of classes to the front. You know, work my way up," Morgana explained.

"From the back? Girl, you should be up the front with us! It's way more fun," Alya insisted.

"I understand that but it's hard. I would like to do things my way if that's okay. I am sure I can hang out with you some day. I do like hearing your stories though Lila. It's amazing that someone can have so much experience," Morgana said as she dusted her hands and gave a mini applause. Rumour has it, Lila's ego grew three sizes too big that day.

"Oh yes, such vast experience," Marinette deadpanned.

"Marinette, don't be rude," Adrien scolded and Marinette felt her inner organs practically twist at his words. Lila started whimpering again and Alya patted her back comfortingly.

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