Question Session

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Hello everyone! I am very sorry but this is not a chapter. I have the next one almost finished so it won't be too long for the wait. There have been so many comments on this story, which I really do appreciated. I realised that I haven't really responded properly which isn't fair, and seeing as the end of the story is coming, I figured I could answer some questions that may have. Well, not about the ending of course, but questions about Morgana, how I write, thoughts on little facts and all that. Okay, I have some popular questions that have popped up so I'll do my best.


Q1) Is Morgana based on you (the author)? How did you create her?

A1) She is, of sorts. Morgana has a habit of being extremely blunt, which I sometimes am. I am not extremely Sherlock like smart, as I lie on the more creative side with art etc. I wouldn't mind being good at Mathematics but I find it very hard. I admire people with the abilities. So I decided to merge a creative and mathematical aspect together which created Morgana.

Q2) Do you play chess?

Q2) I do not. I understand the basics. But not enough to beat someone in three moves.

Q3) Is Morgana evil?

Q3) Not in the Lila sense no.

Q4) Will Morgana get a kwami?

Q4) If you mean a kwami that currently exists in the show, no. I will say no more than that.

Q5) Why does Morgana call people pawns?

Q5) She merely view people like that as she sees everything she does as a game. She ranks people by chess piece value.

Q6) What is the Keane trial?

Q6) If it helps, the film about it is called Big Eyes. Very good film. The trial was so interesting too. The husband faked an injury and claimed he couldn't paint. 

Q7) Who do you ship?

Q7) Lukanette is my ship. I also like Marinette x Damien in crossovers. In case some of you don't know, Damien as in Damien Wayne from the BatFamily in DC, Bruce Wayne's biological son.


Okay so these are the most popular ones, but if you have anymore, feel free to ask me them by commenting on this chapter. I will answer them as best as I can but please be nice in the comments, no arguing, rudeness, or inappropriate comments. Thank you for your support everyone, it means a lot. Stay safe!

- Star

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