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The ghost, dispite being in hiding from his godfather, could not resist his urge to help others, as it was his ghostly obsession, and although there currently weren't any ghosts attacking Gotham there was still plenty of mortal crimes to stop.

Gotham isn't "the city of crime" for nothing. In the last hour alone, Danny had invisibly stop five muggings, two murders, four drug dealers, three different robberies, and had even stumbled across the hide out of a human trafficking ring. Danny couldn't help but think that the police were starting to get suspicious with all these anonymous payphone calls. Usually after he made a call, Danny would wait till he heard police sirens before leaving. However, when the police showed up at the traffickers hideout the ghost decide to stick around and invisibly help the police. As the police were in the middle of a shoot out with the main group of trafficker, Danny handled any stragglers to make sure no one escaped.

As the ghost had just knocked out the last of his group of stragglers a stray bullet from the shoot out grazed his arm. Thankfully, he's yelp of pain was drowned out by the shooting and thus no one heard him. The ghost put a hand over the injury to make sure none of his green ectoplasmic and red speckled blood spilled on the ground before deciding that this was enough crime fighting for one day.

Danny flew back to the manor and fazed through the wall into the study. Invisibility long forgotten, Danny started to wonder were they kept the first aid kits before he heard a sharp gasp behind him.

"My word!"

Startled, Danny jumped in surprised and quickly turned around. Alfred stood in the doorway, he eyes never leaving the ghosts bleeding forearm. Danny started to turn invisible but the bulter quickly rushed forward and grabbed his uninjured arm.

"I think not, sir." Alfred said giving the ghost a stern look. "You will sit down while I fetch the medkit to patch you up."

Seeing no room for argument, the ghost sat down as the butler briskly made his way out of the room and returned moments later with the first aid kit.

"My healing will take care of it in a day or two." Danny muttered in a effort to get the butler to leave the ghost to handle his injury.

"Even if that is so, I will not have you bleeding all over the floor and the furniture." Alfred replied stubbornly as he began to disinfect the wound. "If I may ask sir, how did this happen?"

The ghost looked away and muttered sheepishly in embarrassment. "I was invisibly helping the police take down a human trafficking ring and a stray bullet grazed my arm."

The butler raised an eyebrow at the ghost before sighing. "You, sir, can consider yourself grounded."

"Grounded!" Danny shout in surprise with wide eyes.

"Yes, sir, grounded." Alfred said as he finished wrapping the ghost arm. "You shall not be leaving this manor until you have not only healed and we'll rested. You shall also learned how to properly haunt this house and be educated in the finer points of how to be a proper child of Wayne Manor."

The ghost wanted to argue but in the end he just sighed, "Fine."

"Now, sir," Alfred said standing up. "If I may ask, what is your name?"

"Oh," Danny said realizing he'd never actually given the man his name, "It's Danny."

"Well then, it is a pleasure to meet you, Master Danny. My name is Alfred Pennyworth."

Ghost Of Wayne ManorWhere stories live. Discover now