Chapter 8 Ercole 🙄

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Author's note: ps there will be hurting in this chapter if you are too sensitive with this stuff I don't recommend you to read 😅 but overall enjoy!

We all got ready to go hang out. I dressed in my usual yellow tang top and my brown shorts, Luca looked cute as usual and for Giulia. She's looking nice I guess 🙄. Anyways, we all got our money and headed out. "So where do we go first?" "How about some ice cream?" "Sure" We all decided to head to the ice cream store. "What do you want Luca?" "Hmmm, I'll have Mint." "You Giulia?" "I'll have chocolate." "Hi, can I have one Mint cone, a Chocolate cone, and a Cookie dough cone?" "Alrighty, your total comes to €10.99 please." "Ok, here you go." "Thank you. Wait THIS ISN'T €11.00!!" "RUN!" I Luca and Giulia ran out the door with our ice creams. "HAHA!" "Did you see the look on his face!?" "Hehe" But before I could take a bite of my ice cream Ercole the catfish smacked it out of my hands. "Hey!" "Well if it isn't the fish boys." "Ugh, what do you want catfish. "Nothing just wanted to do this." We're wondering what he was going to do, next thing we know he punches Alberto in the face. "OW" I wanted to hit him back but he hit me pretty hard and I don't deal well with pain. "YOU DON'T TOUCH ALBERTO." I was surprised that Luca said that, He charged straight at Ercole, Ercole was about to punch him when Luca dodged and uppercut him in the chin. My face was as red as a tomato, I got up and tried to attack too but my vision was blurry and I didn't feel well next thing I know I blacked out. "ALBERTO!" I ran to Alberto and tried shaking him awake but he wouldn't wake. "I will get you back pesce Gatto!" I grabbed Alberto and try and run but it was hard to pick up Giulia helped me.

(Remake) My one and only Luca (Luca x Alberto)Where stories live. Discover now