Chapter 12 Back home at Genoa (Train crash)

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HI YALL I DECIED TO CONTINUE WRITNG THE BOOK BUT THERE WLL BE NO ALBERTO POV SO ENIOY I MISSED YALL 😭👍 (also this is a reference of going to back to school irl)
Luca's POV
We were on the train heading back to Genoa where we go to school. I already missed Alberto, Giulia looked a little upset to. I wished Alberto would come with us. But, he decided to stay at Potorosso. So it's just me and Giulia.

Giulia's POV
I will admit I did miss Alberto already. But we have to go to school it's the law. Well Alberto isn't at a place where school exist so he doesn't count. Soon we pulled up to our destination, but the train wasn't slowing down. "W-what's happening!?" "I d-don't know!" We heard people screaming. We looked out the window, and we were on a cliff and going fast. WHY ISN'T THE TRAIN STOPPING!?" Me and Luca ran to to the train. When we got to the end of a cart, the door was locked. So me and Luca kicked the door down. Yes we strong. When we got to the train no one was in it. "W-WHERE'S THE CONDUCTOR!?" At this point we had death on the line. "W-what do we do?!" "The only best thing we can do is find the brake!" "And which one is that?!" I looked at all of the buttons, levers, and cogwheels. "Ummm, just pull, turn, do whatever and find the brake!" "O-ok!" We we're just touching random stuff until I saw a lever that stuck out. "M-maybe this lever?!" Luca didn't listen I turned to see him turn more pale. "W-WHAT?!" I looked out the cab to see we're close to the turn. "FRICK" we only had one choice left and it was the lever I saw, I quickly pulled it and the wheels came to a sudden stop. Me and Luca flew forward. But we were to late the train was coming to the turn. "W-we have to jump!" "We can't! There is a lot of people on this train!" Luca was going to jump but his shirt got caught. "F*CK" Next thing we know the train was tumbling off the cliff. When we fell I hit my head and passed out.

(Remake) My one and only Luca (Luca x Alberto)Where stories live. Discover now